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  • Department News
  1. Luisa Sanchez Awarded Gilman Scholarship

    Student Awarded Prestigious Gilman Scholarship for Off-Campus Study

    Margaret Dener, Kim Longfellow

    The Center for International and Intercultural Studies is pleased to announce Luisa Sanchez ’23 has been awarded the prestigious Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship! This competitive program, from the U.S...

  2. Students Learn in the Field

    Dr. Sue Willson Leads Summer Course in Ecuador

    Kim Longfellow

    Each summer, St. Lawrence University offers a dynamic array of courses taught around the world.

  3. Students on a Tour

    Dr. Tom Greene Leads Summer Course in London

    Kimberly Longfellow

    During the summer 2022 study abroad course, “London Spaces and UK Places," students examined place attachment and landscape aesthetics by exploring neighborhoods throughout London.

  4. Students visit school

    Swahili Teaching Fellow, Dennis Simiyu, Leads Short-Term Travel Component in Kenya

    Kimberly Longfellow

    Students in an Elementary Swahili recently embarked on a journey to Kenya where they explored historical places and put their language skills into action.

  5. BJ Blodgett and Tarrah Price

    Scarlet & Brown Stories Podcast-Episode 13: Reunion Weekend 2022

    Kickoff your Reunion Weekend 2022 with a conversation with two of our Reunion Chairs!

  6. Five Off-Campus Study Alumni Published in Journal

    Kim Longfellow

    Five St. Lawrence University students who studied off-campus in 2018 were selected to have their experiences (photos, stories, and written reflections) published in The Aleph: A journal of global perspectives, created by Hobart and William Smith Colleges and Union College.

  7. Dr. Eve Stoddard Addresses the Crowd

    Dr. Eve Stoddard Delivers CIIS Annual Lecture

    Kim Longfellow

    Professor Emerita in Global Studies Dr. Eve Stoddard was the keynote speaker at this year's CIIS Annual Lecture and discussed the partnership between academic study on-campus and intercultural learning off-campus, and the importance of critical self-reflection before, during, and after off-campus study.

  8. black cat wearing a colorful cat collar standing in window

    Margaret “Maggie” Jensen ’20 and Assoc. Prof. Susan Willson Publish Article

    Margaret “Maggie” Jensen ’20 and Assoc. Professor Susan Willson recently published the article “ How Effective Is the Birdsbesafe® Cat Collar at Reducing Bird Kills by Domestic Cats?” in the Journal...

  9. Cording Peace corps

    Peace Corps Prep Certificate Program Celebrates First Cohort, Cords Seniors

    The Peace Corps Prep Certificate Program, which began in fall 2021, recognized graduating students during a cording ceremony and welcomed 12 new students

  10. Book features Chapter by Gallery Director Catherine Tedford

    Gallery Director Catherine Tedford’s project to build a collection and digital archive of street stickers was featured in a chapter of The Social Movement Archive published by Litwin Books.