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  • Liberal Arts Adventures
  1. Headshot of Professor of Music Fritz Schenker.

    Meet Our New Faculty: Rethinking Sound with Music's Fritz Schenker

    For Assistant Professor of Music Fritz Schenker, music is an entryway to talk about bigger issues. He welcomes students of any major to bring their perspectives to courses like “Race and Music,” “Musics of the World,” and “Global Jazz.”

  2. A professor hands a sheet of paper to a student in class.

    First Person: What It's Like to Be a Global Studies Major at St. Lawrence

    Sabie Lindsay '23

    When starting my college search I was asked on every tour “What are you planning on majoring in?” Every time I always gave the same hesitant answer of “I don’t know yet." I was more often than not...

  3. Meet St. Lawrence's Class of 2021

    Chloe Mitchell '21

    St. Lawrence’s Class of 2021 is full of world travelers, budding authors, student-athletes, leaders, outdoor adventurers, and future doctors. They leave St. Lawrence after forming lifelong connections with Laurentian mentors, exploring endless curiosities, and pursuing new passions.

  4. A Saint Lawrence student sits on the quad on a quiet night on campus.

    First Person: Goodbye For Now, St. Lawrence

    Ella Charlesworth '21

    I have been dreading this day. The day when I have to say goodbye to St. Lawrence, my home away from home for the last four years. The place that has shaped me, and the place that is home to so many...

  5. Meet Our New Faculty: How Government's Precious Hall Gives Back

    For Assistant Professor of Government Precious Hall, community service is a civic responsibility. She aims to not just leave every place better than how she found it, but to empower others to continue her work and create lasting change.

  6. A group of students in ski gear dig a snow pit in five feet of snow. It's a bright, sunny day in Teton Pass.

    First Person: Experiential Learning and SLU Skiing Culture During COVID-19

    Nick Grammas '22

    The outdoors has been a major part of my St. Lawrence experience in the three years that I have been in Canton. Whether you are a first-year student, a member of the Outing Club, an athlete, an artist...

  7. A student wearing a virtual reality headset experiments with virtual reality software. There are two large television screens behind them.

    St. Lawrence Recognized for Outstanding Sophomore Support Program

    Founded in 2016, the Sophomore Success Initiative empowers students to see their second year as an opportunity, not a slump. Students who participate create their own paths by exploring academic passions and investigating career interests.

  8. Brittany Hollis sits on a large piece of driftwood holding her small dog at the beach.

    Meet Our New Faculty: Psychology's Brittany Hollis Emphasizes Empowerment

    When it comes to collaborating with students and supporting their academic aspirations, Assistant Professor of Psychology Brittany Hollis has one priority in mind. “I want them to feel empowered,” she...

  9. A kayak landing next to a bog surrounded by pine trees and tall grass. Two orange kayaks sit on the grass.

    First Person: The Bog Chronicles

    Chris Neilson '21

    There’s no shortage of opportunities that I have had the privilege to experience in my four years here in the North Country. From my “intermediate canoeing” pre-orientation trip to the many journeys...

  10. Mindy Pitre assists a student during an excavation.

    Professors, Students Honored with Historic Preservation Award for Helping Local Community

    An anthropology professor, her students, and a chemistry professor have been recognized for their expertise and commitment to preserving one local village’s history with the New York State Historic Preservation Award for Excellence in Archaeological Stewardship.