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  • Liberal Arts Adventures
  1. A group of Saint Lawrence students engaged in animated discussion at a large rectangular dining table. Photo from January 2020.

    First Person: Are We Listening? My Semester as a Civic Dialogue Fellow

    Jack Cruickshank '22

    Whether we like it or not, politics has seeped into every aspect of our lives. But having political conversations with our family and friends has become an activity that no one wants to indulge in...

  2. A student wearing a face mask performs bench work in the biology lab.

    First Person: Research and Relationships With Faculty

    Erica Byrne '21

    Amidst my final semester at St. Lawrence, not a day goes by that I don’t find myself wishing I had four more years at the place that has become my second home. Although I am overwhelmed by sadness and...

  3. Headshot of Assistant Professor of Physics Massooma Pirbhai.

    Meet Our New Faculty: Physics' Massooma Pirbhai Puts Her Students' Futures First

    Assistant Professor of Physics Massooma Pirbhai knows that equipping students with the practical tools they'll need to excel in their chosen career paths starts in the classroom.

  4. Students mixing dressing for kimchi in large pots at a kitchen table.

    First Person: How Living in a Theme House Brought Me Closer to the Canton Community

    Abbie Cooper '22

    By the time I was a junior at St Lawrence, I thought I knew everything there is to know about Canton and met most of the people I was going to meet at SLU. But after moving into the Greenhouse my...

  5. A professor guides a small group of students as they examine vegetables grown on our farm.

    St. Lawrence Named a 'Green College' by Princeton Review

    St. Lawrence University is one of the nation’s most environmentally responsible colleges according to The Princeton Review, which included St. Lawrence in its "Guide to Green Colleges: 2021 Edition."

  6. Looking up the street at brick buildings and storefronts, decorated for the holidays, on a Main Street in Canton, N.Y.

    "Getting the Folk Through It": Students Document Life in the North Country During COVID-19

    This semester, a group of first-year students became citizen folklorists, helping to document the experiences of their North Country neighbors and contributing to a project that will preserve this moment in local history for generations to come.

  7. Luke Harvey and professor Antun Husinec travel together as they conduct research.

    Professor Honors Student’s Memory with Published Research

    Lukas “Luke” Harvey ’18 had a promising geological career ahead of him before he tragically passed away following a ski accident in March 2018, but his memory endures as his work continues to impact the field of geology. A paper he co-authored with his advisor, Professor of Geology Antun Husinec, was recently published in Elsevier’s journal Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.

  8. Five students in business clothing stand in front of a sandstone building.

    St. Lawrence Fed Challenge Team Earns National Runner-Up Honors

    St. Lawrence University’s Fed Challenge team earned second place out of 85 colleges and universities in the 17th annual national College Fed Challenge, the Federal Reserve announced on Friday, Nov. 20.

  9. Thea How Choon smiles at the camera. Behind her, there's a beach with a grassy coastline and deep blue ocean water.

    Meet Our New Faculty: How Economics' Thea How Choon Connects Across Time Zones

    Though Assistant Professor of Economics Thea How Choon is currently teaching from her home in Mauritius, the nine-hour time difference isn't stopping her from making the close, supportive connections St. Lawrence faculty members are known for.

  10. Olivia Reynolds, Jennifer Curley, and Sally Roberts.

    First Person: St. Lawrence, A Door-Holding Community


    I often get asked why I chose to go to St. Lawrence. Why I chose a school in the middle of nowhere, with freezing temperatures, and a town barely big enough to see on a map. For a while, my answer has...