Photo Submission Policy

Want Us to Publish a Picture?

We will publish, on a space-available basis, pictures of alumni weddings and legal civil unions, gatherings, promotions and other activities.

This is important, so read it carefully:

  • Images must be in jpg format at a minimum 300 dpi and 4 x 5 inches. If they are smaller, expect to be asked to resubmit them! Send them to University Communications, (315-229-5585).
  • We cannot use links to photos from sites such as Kodak Gallery and Snapfish, or to newspaper Web sites that charge. And we cannot accept photos taken on a cell phone.
  • Please provide caption information: who, what, where, when.
  • We reserve the right to reject images for any reason, including, but not limited to, poor quality, inappropriate gestures and what we determine is excessive presence of alcohol.

For wedding photos: Include the name of bride and groom, date and location of the wedding and names of Laurentian relatives attending.

For special event photos: Include the date, type of event, location of the event and the names of alumni in the picture.

Submit Your Photo

Send a 300 dpi digital file to Or, send a print with the same information included to University Communications, Vilas 201, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY 13617