St. Lawrence University Internship Fellowship Program

Internship Fellowship Information

Established in 1997, the Internship Fellowship Award is designed to promote leadership and career development opportunities for undergraduate students. Awarded to a St. Lawrence University student who has secured an internship, including structured career development or research opportunities for the upcoming summer break, this award is intended to help offset the cost of living and travel/transportation expenses incurred during the student's internship experience. Funds may also potentially cover income replacement if adequate need is demonstrated. Award is available for current first-years through graduating seniors. Please note: students withdrawing from SLU are not eligible for this fellowship award.

Please contact the Center for Career Excellence with questions about specific dates and deadlines each year.  A selection committee of professional staff will make the final decision on all awards.

Guidelines for Eligibility:

  1. In order to qualify for an internship fellowship award you must meet one of the following criteria:
    • Be a matriculated undergraduate student in good academic/judicial standing with St. Lawrence University  OR
    • Be a graduate in the internship cycle nearest your last semester of full time enrollment at St. Lawrence University
  2. There are no financial eligibility requirements to receive internship fellowship awards.
  3. Unpaid internship will be given first priority in consideration for funding (with the exception of minor compensation valued at less than $50/week, such as lunches or bus passes) and underpaid internships will be considered secondary in the selection process.
  4. The internship must be a minimum time commitment of 30 hours/wk and preference will be given to internships that last a minimum of 8 weeks.  (If your internship will be fewer than 8 weeks long you may still apply, but internships of greater length will have a better chance of receiving funding.)
  5. The standard financial award is $3,000 and the maximum award for the summer break is $5,000 depending on geographic location and financial need. Graduating seniors receive 80% of their award at the start of the summer, and all other class years receive 90% of their award. The final portion is distributed upon completion of the internship. International students should also be aware that they will have to pay a 14% tax on their award.  More information.
  6. Funding priority will be given to first-time applicants and there is a two-time funding limit so plan accordingly.
  7. Priority will be given to the highest quality proposals with an emphasis on proposals that mesh with the applicant's long term career objectives.
  8. The Internship Fellowship fund may be used to cover program fees with internship organizations or other academic institutions, but will be carefully considered by the selection committee. The award will not cover tuition expenses.
  9. If the committee discovers that any part of your proposal is fraudulent, it reserves the right to revoke all or some of your internship fellowship.
  10. It is the student's responsibility to secure the internship they wish to receive funding for through the application process.  The Center for Career Excellence office encourages students to examine the integrity and safety of all internship sites they wish to pursue.  Read more here

Application Details and Requirements

Complete the Online Application Form

  • If your internship meets the minimum time requirement (30 hours/week; 8 weeks) and is unpaid, complete the Standard application on Handshake.
  • If your internship does not meet the minimum time requirement and/or is "underpaid", complete the Alternate application on Handshake.

As part of both applications, you are required to include the following documents

  • Essay #1.  Please provide an essay of no more than 600 words in which you discuss: your career and personal goals, how the internship relates to your future plans, what you hope to gain from this learning experience, and how this fellowship would be of value to you.
  • Essay #2.  Please provide an essay of no more than 600 words in which you discuss why this financial funding would be essential to completion of your internship, and explain any actions you will be taking to support yourself financially during your internship. Use this opportunity to explain any extenuating circumstances that are relevant to your financial need. Unpaid internships can be costly ventures, but often are worth the sacrifice and will be of great value to you.  
  • Resume.  Please provide a current, Center for Career Excellence approved resume.
  • Feel free to include any additional supporting documents.

Additional Required Documents

  • Written Confirmation: The Internship supervisor must send in a written confirmation of Internship commitment including start and end dates, number of hours and compensation (if any) within one week of the application deadline. Internships being supervised by peers will not be considered by the committee.
  • For-Profit Company: If your internship is with a for-profit company, the employer must abide by the primary beneficiary test. We encourage you to discuss these requirements with your potential internship supervisor.

Please note that it is your responsibility to notify the Center for Career Excellence if this proposal changes in any way. Failure to do so will invalidate your proposal and could result in full repayment of any awards made. It is okay to submit an application for an internship you have not yet received for the final deadline, but funds will not be awarded until confirmation is provided to the Center for Career Excellence. If you are unable to secure the internship, your "award' will not be transferred to a different experience, but you would have an opportunity to submit a new application for the committee to review.

Any additional documents you wish to submit must also be sent via e-mail to the Center for Career Excellence at by the deadline. For more information about this award, please contact Center for Career Excellence at x5906.

Please contact the Center for Career Excellence with questions about specific dates and deadlines each year.  A selection committee of professional staff will make the final decision on all awards.