Research, Internships and Conference Participation

Senior Year Experience Projects

Summer Research Involvement

Internship Opportunities

Student Conference Participation


There are many opportunities for students in the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics to participate in research projects with faculty members. Most of our students present the results of their research at local, regional, or national conferences. More information about research opportunities, internship opportunities, and conference participation is available at the links above.  The Career Network also contains descriptions of a wide variety of internships and jobs for students with a background in mathematics, computer science, or statistics. The department also routinely posts information about different opportunities on our Facebook page.

All math and computer science majors complete a Senior Year Experience, in which students conduct independent research for course credit with a faculty mentor. Check out the list of recent senior research projects

Many of our students also participate every summer in research experiences or summer internships. For example, the SLU Fellows program provides $3750 and room and board for students to do research on campus with a faculty member for approximately eight weeks during the summer. In addition, every year we have students accepted into national REU programs (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) funded by the National Science Foundation, and well as other national programs. Recent students have conducted research in many different states as well as France and Israel. These programs also provide stipends of approximately $3750 for summer programs lasting approximately eight weeks. Check out the list of recent summer research experiences by our students.

The St. Lawrence University alumni network is outstanding at providing internship opportunities for majors and minors in mathematics, computer science, and statistics, and every summer we have many students participating in internships to learn more about different careers and gain valuable experience. Check out the list of recent internships held by our students.

Every year, St. Lawrence students present their work at the Hudson River Undergraduate Mathematics Conference, at the Festival of Science, or at a variety of other conferences. Explore our list of recent student conference participation.

All these research experiences and internships pay off.  Our students are accepted to a wide variety of graduate programs.