Carrie Hill is a Mohawk sweetgrass and black ash splint basket maker. Basket making has been in her family for many generations. She learned the skill from an aunt after having her second child, and she picked up the skill rather easily. It felt like something that she was supposed to be doing.
She fell in love with the weaving process and subsequently created her own unique pieces. Her aunt taught her how to gather the sweetgrass. She also prepared the splints, considered to be the hardest part of making baskets. She now teaches her children the steps to making their own creations and has taught basket making to many in the community. She stresses the cultural importance of passing on the tradition of making the basket.
Carrie Hill's lecture is presented by the Brush Art Gallery in conjunction with the exhibition Each One Inspired: Haudenosaunee Art across the Homelands from the New York State Museum, on display at the Richard F. Brush Art Gallery from October 17 to December 10, 2022.