Voices of Excellence: BIPOC Leaders Event

CCExLEED Voices of Excellence: BIPOC Leaders Event

- Sykes Formal Lounge
General Event

The Center for Career Excellence (CCE), in partnership with Laurentians for Equity, Equality, and Diversity (LEED), presents Voices of Excellence: BIPOC Leaders Series!


At this event, you'll have the opportunity to connect with successful BIPOC alumni and hear their ‘journeys to excellence’, as they've defined it. Don’t miss this chance to build connections and be part of a supportive network that celebrates your excellence.

This event includes a panel discussion with our featured guests, casual networking and refreshments. 

Interested? Register by September 28 at 8 a.m. 

Register on Handshake

Questions? Please contact Lizzy Girard '17 at egirard@stlawu.edu or Michael Agyekum '26 at magye22@stlawu.edu.