John Williams.

A Conversation with NY Fed President John Williams: An Economic Outlook Presentation and Q & A

- Via Zoom

As part of a series of meetings to hear about and discuss regional economic issues, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s President and CEO, John C. Williams, will give prepared remarks and take part in a moderated discussion at an event hosted by St. Lawrence University on Wednesday, September 8. Advance registration is required for the event.

Williams’ remarks will focus on the economic outlook and monetary policy, while the conversation and Q & A session will center on economic trends and the outlook for the North Country in the context of his discussions with stakeholders in the region.

The event is free and open to students, faculty, and staff at St. Lawrence and area colleges, as well as local business leaders and the general public. Advance registration is required for the event.

Register for the Event

Read the full press release on the event.