English and Environmental Studies Research Presentations

- Herring-Cole Feinstone Room

Please join the Environmental Studies and English Departments for the presentation of honors research projects by Leslie Herold '24 and Abigail Lateer '24. 

Islands in Distress: Sea Level Rise in Nantucket, Atlantic City, and Sanibel.
Leslie Herold's research project focuses on the foundations she has from her studies at St. Lawrence University.  She is taking a deep dive into the impact of environmental catastrophes such as major storms, flash floods and rising sea levels through the lens of examining the sustainability of current human infrastructure in Atlantic City, NJ, Sanibel Island, FL, and Nantucket, MA.

An Inquiry Into Industrial Agriculture: How Did We Get Here and What is it Doing to Us?
Abigail Lateer's research project is centered around industrial agriculture and its social, environmental, and psychospiritual effects in modern culture. It explores the ways in which our current food system creates detachment between people and the food they eat, and the consequences this has from the cultural level all the way down to the individual. This project will feature interviews from local farmers integrated into research.