Need Help?

St. Lawrence Resources

SLU 24/7 Crisis and Counseling Helpline

If you or a friend are experiencing a mental health crisis or need in-the-moment support, call the SLU 24/7 Crisis and Counseling Helpline: 315-229-1914.

Diana B. Torrey '82 Health and Counseling Center

Call to schedule an appointment: 315-229-5392


Urgent appointments are available daily.

Safety and Security


Advocates Hotline

Here you will find information about how to get involved in raising awareness about and preventing acts of sexual violence, including sexual assault, relationship violence, and stalking. You will also find information about supporting survivors of sexual violence, including the services available through the Advocates Program, as well as campus and community resources.


Additional Resources

Crisis Text Line

New York State has partnered with Crisis Text Line, an anonymous texting service available 24/7.

Text GOT5 to 741741.

Crisis Text for young people of color: Text STEVE to 741-741


New York State’s 24/7 problem gambling and chemical dependency hotline. 

Call 1-877-8-HOPENY or text HOPENY

Suicide & Crisis Lifeline

If your life or someone else's is in imminent danger, please call 911. If you are in crisis and need immediate help, please call: 988

Domestic Violence

If you or someone else is in a relationship is being controlled by another individual through verbal, physical, or sexual abuse, or other tactics, please call: 1-800-942-6906

Reachout, Crisis and Information Helpline of St. Lawrence County


The Trevor Helpline (LGBTQ)


Renewal House, St. Lawrence County’s Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Agency
