Guanyi Yang, assistant professor of economics, was recently notified he has received a grant from the University of Kentucky to conduct a research project titled, "Race-Blind Policies in Business Cycle: Evaluating Racial Gap in Model of Labor Market Search-and-Matching."
Yang received the award through Kentucky's Gatton College of Business and Economics' Institute for the Study of Free Enterprise. Yang will receive $5,000 to conduct his research and will be required to present his results in the Fall of 2021. Yang's work is timely, as it relates to the impact of a recession on the hiring and firing of minorities.
"This proposed project aims to fill this void by examining the disparate consequences of three common race-blind fiscal policies: unemployment insurance, lay-off tax, and vacancy subsidy," according to Yang's proposal.
Yang holds a Ph.D. in economics from The Ohio State University and regularly teaches classes in Principles of Economics, Intermediate Macroeconomic Theories, Labor Economics, and Macro Modeling.