Peace Corps Ranks SLU 14th Among Small Schools
St. Lawrence University ranked No. 14 among small schools, with 10 alumni currently volunteering worldwide, in the Peace Corps’ 2015 rankings of the top volunteer-producing colleges and universities across the country
St. Lawrence alumni are currently serving in Botswana, China, Indonesia, Kyrgyzstan, Malawi, Mexico, Moldova, Mongolia, South Africa and Togo, working in sectors including education, environment and health.
“The Peace Corps provides an indispensable opportunity for young people out of college to put their unique skills to work making a difference for communities around the world,” Peace Corps Director Carrie Hessler-Radelet said. “Volunteers make lasting change by living and working at the grassroots level in their communities of service and using their talents to tackle some of the most critical challenges in international development.”
Jonathan Foster-Moore, a 2013 St. Lawrence graduate and health education volunteer in the Kyrgyz Republic, has partnered with a regional Health Promotion Unit at a family medical center that distributes literature and gives training on many health topics.
“My primary assignment is working with a regional Health Promotion Unit based out of our family medical center,” he said. “I also help run a weekly ‘healthy families’ club for parents as well as a health club for secondary school kids. Just last week, I was given approval for a project to install sinks and toilets with running water in one of the local schools.”
The Peace Corps ranks its top volunteer-producing colleges and universities annually according to the size of the student body. Alumni from more than 3,000 colleges and universities nationwide have served in the Peace Corps since the agency’s founding in 1961, including 254 alumni from St. Lawrence.