The Center for International and Intercultural Studies is pleased to announce Luisa Sanchez ’23 has been awarded the prestigious Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship! This competitive program, from the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, has supported recipients’ study abroad experiences since 2001. Luisa will be studying abroad in the fall 2022 semester.
On receiving this award, Luisa shared, "Receiving the Gilman Scholarship has been an honor but still feels a bit unreal. I think everyone always questions their likelihood of winning a scholarship, and often psych themselves out from going through with applying. This almost happened to me, but Jennifer Townsend pushed me to pursue the Gilman scholarship. I am so thankful I applied because it helped cover many things like some of my plane ticket costs, travelers' insurance, and my visa. Gilman also provides additional services and support that I might need while I am abroad. I have never been that far from home, so I am glad to be a part of another supportive and helpful community."
Congratulations, Luisa!