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- Liberal Arts Adventures
I would like to start off by saying I am an avid animal lover and the proud owner of two amazing dogs. There are just a couple of animals that make me uncomfortable to even think about. Every animal...
At 7:15 a.m., we pulled up to our woodworker’s house, groggy but excited. We skipped breakfast to get there with enough time to work on our individual projects. Opening the pulley-rigged door to the...
Hello! Or should I say xin chào! That is hello in Vietnamese, which I learned recently from one of my friends who is an international student here at St. Lawrence. One thing I can definitely say is...
Canadian shoe designer John Fluevog chose four finalists for his Fluevog Creative Ad Contest and his fans selected the winning design, which belongs to a St. Lawrence University student.
Where do I even start? I cannot articulate or explain my experience studying abroad in Kenya this past fall semester. Now, I’ve been back in lovely and cold Canton for almost two months and Kenya...
Hey, it’s me, your 21-year-old self. You’re now a senior in college. Can you believe it? You can get into the Hoot Owl now and go to Tuesday Blues with your friends. You live off-campus, too, with...
At St. Lawrence, each professor is required to set aside an allotted amount of time to meet with students and advisees. These are referred to as Office Hours where students can come to this specific...
This past fall semester, I studied abroad in London, England. The first question students ask after my return to campus has been, "How did you know which abroad program to choose?" With so many...
Two St. Lawrence University students swept the awards for best presentations at the 2020 Geological Society of America (GSA) Conference—its first remote meeting in its 125-year history. Claire...
When writing about studying abroad, it's easy to fall back into the classic response you share with people who inquire about it: "Oh yeah, it was awesome!" But, given time to dig into it, there are...