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  • Liberal Arts Adventures
  1. First Person: Making the Most of My Professor's Office Hours

    Danielle Anjeh '21

    At St. Lawrence, each professor is required to set aside an allotted amount of time to meet with students and advisees. These are referred to as Office Hours where students can come to this specific...

  2. Two Saint Lawrence students sit on the ground in Edinburgh, Scotland.

    First Person: How to Choose the Right Abroad Program for You


    This past fall semester, I studied abroad in London, England. The first question students ask after my return to campus has been, "How did you know which abroad program to choose?" With so many...

  3. On the left, a student stands with their arms open on an outcrop of rocks overlooking a valley below. Right, a student sits on a rock in front of a large lake and mountain scene.

    St. Lawrence Students Sweep Awards at the 2020 Geological Society of America Conference

    Two St. Lawrence University students swept the awards for best presentations at the 2020 Geological Society of America (GSA) Conference—its first remote meeting in its 125-year history. Claire...

  4. Two Saint Lawrence students stand on the beach holding sea turtles while studying abroad.

    First Person: Community Beyond Campus - Studying Abroad in Kenya


    When writing about studying abroad, it's easy to fall back into the classic response you share with people who inquire about it: "Oh yeah, it was awesome!" But, given time to dig into it, there are...

  5. A group of Saint Lawrence students, participating in the Green Cafe class, gather at the Farm at Kirk Douglas for a meeting.

    First Person: The Farm at Kirk Douglas, A Student-Run Farm-to-Table Experience


    I ladle a spoonful of chili into the fifth of 72 bowls to be served this evening. The Farm at Kirk Douglas is once again sold out, or close to it. All around me, students are executing their various...

  6. Tess Maxam.

    First Person: Finding an Academic Interest Through the Liberal Arts

    TESS MAXAM '22

    There is something so special about a liberal arts education that is hard to explain until you’ve experienced it. I came to SLU knowing that I wanted to be a biology major and study science in some...

  7. "Under a Wave off Kanagawa" by Hiroshige.

    First Person: Mokuhanga, My Printmaking Journey


    A fishing boat, small enough to miss, is suspended in the frothy jaws of a monstrous wave, moments away from the water’s crash. Mt. Fuji watches silently from the background, subtle and stable in the...

  8. Meca-Gaye Francis

    First Person: A Year of Firsts and Lasts


    When I thought about what my senior year would look like, I had many high expectations. I wanted to have made new friends, tried new activities, traveled to different countries, and feel prepared to...

  9. A group of 20 Saint Lawrence students stand with their professors as they receive an award.

    Anthropology Prof., Students Honored for Expertise, Integrity in Work with Local Remains

    A St. Lawrence University anthropology professor and more than 20 of her students were recognized by local elected officials on Wednesday, Jan. 15, for their enthusiasm to help a community when it needed them most.

  10. A photo of students in a large kitchen preparing a meal together.

    A Delicious Laboratory


    New course brings the Green Café to campus, a new place for students to get a healthy, local dinner