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  • Laurentian Connections
  1. Two students stand next to each other and smile for a selfie.

    First Person: Flights Aren't the Only Connections Made in Airports

    Cora Ferguson '23

    Anyone that has gone through airport security will tell you that at best, it’s a minor inconvenience, at worst… well let’s just say I learned my lesson and now I always put my graphing calculator in...

  2. Luke Harvey and professor Antun Husinec travel together as they conduct research.

    Professor Honors Student’s Memory with Published Research

    Lukas “Luke” Harvey ’18 had a promising geological career ahead of him before he tragically passed away following a ski accident in March 2018, but his memory endures as his work continues to impact the field of geology. A paper he co-authored with his advisor, Professor of Geology Antun Husinec, was recently published in Elsevier’s journal Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.

  3. Two students sit at a small table on the walkway outside the Saint Lawrence Student Center on a bright fall day.

    First Person: Making the Most of the Alumni Network Through LINC Mentoring

    Sam Cowles '22

    From the moment you step onto campus to begin first-year orientation, a key pillar of the St. Lawrence experience, and one of the primary reasons I decided to become a Laurentian, sticks out—the...

  4. Five students in business clothing stand in front of a sandstone building.

    St. Lawrence Fed Challenge Team Earns National Runner-Up Honors

    St. Lawrence University’s Fed Challenge team earned second place out of 85 colleges and universities in the 17th annual national College Fed Challenge, the Federal Reserve announced on Friday, Nov. 20.

  5. Three students stand in front of a stone wall with their arms in the air. There are colorful balloons behind them.

    Laurentians Around the World Celebrate International Education Week

    International Education Week is celebrated nationwide, but a robust emphasis on promoting global citizenship and a passionate international student community makes it an especially meaningful event at St. Lawrence University.

  6. Ella is standing in front of the Saint Lawrence University Student Center and holding a painted canvas with the AmeriCorps logo.

    First Person: St. Lawrence Motto in Action at AmeriCorps

    Ella Charlesworth '21

    I frequently hear fellow students talking about our alumni network, telling personal stories of random encounters, new connections, or helpful mentors. When I began my first year at SLU, hearing these...

  7. A stack of bumper stickers with "Laurentian for Life" and the Saint Lawrence University skyline on them.

    First Person: iSPY SLU, How You'll Find SLU Wherever You Go


    When I was a little kid, I used to love to play the game iSpy on long car rides. My older brothers would take turns giving me “iSpys,” to guess. Usually, they were all very simple: “iSpy something...

  8. Olivia Reynolds, Jennifer Curley, and Sally Roberts.

    First Person: St. Lawrence, A Door-Holding Community


    I often get asked why I chose to go to St. Lawrence. Why I chose a school in the middle of nowhere, with freezing temperatures, and a town barely big enough to see on a map. For a while, my answer has...

  9. Two students stand next to large foam letters that spell out SLU on a sunny summer day.

    First Person: Creating Opportunities in 2020

    Tarrah Price '21

    2020 is a year of opportunity. It is a year of throwing any preconceived “normalcy” out the window and developing new precedents on what your day-to-day will look like. Coming into my senior year I...

  10. Lily MacCachran wearing a light pink blouse and standing on a balcony overlooking tall buildings in the background.

    First Person: Working in Public Health During COVID-19

    Lily MacCachran '22

    In September 2019, long before COVID-19 dominated global media, I decided to contact my local public health office and apply for an internship. Months later, there was a new lens for an internship...