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  • St. Lawrence Magazine
  1. Noah Weeks and Aida Gueye

    Making Room for Faith Traditions


    A new space in ODY Library allows students a quiet space for daily prayer and meditation, a step towards creating a more inclusive campus for all students.

  2. A photo of one of the new stalls.

    Raising the Bar

    Elsa Gunnison Appleton Riding Hall renovation project is underway.

  3. A photo of a bridge off campus from above.

    Scholarships That Recognize Students and the Value of This Place


    By creating a scholarship for Canton High School graduates who attend St. Lawrence, an alumnus of both recognizes the North Country—and its unique promise for students.

  4. A drawing of wind that contains words of struggle like unemployment being stopped by the Saint Lawrence Shield.

    Taking Care


    St. Lawrence is reimagining the ways in which the University becomes a part of wellness solutions for students.

  5. A photo of several Barista members on their house's front porch.

    The Barista: Making Space for 'Safe Saturdays' and More

    EMMA ARDEN '22

    One of SLU's many theme houses, The Barista, provides space for substance-free events and activities for students.

  6. A photo of Sealina Marryshow '22.

    The Support and Care of Carefree Black Girls


    St. Lawrence’s student club is stepping up in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

  7. A photo of an adult rhino and a baby rhino.

    Leading the Trek Into Rhino Conservancy

    TARA HETZ ’10

    “Shhhh…move this way and look there,” whispered Rianto, a ranger with Borana Conservancy in Laikipia, Kenya. He was pointing to Linda, a 10-year-old black rhinoceros. “We have to be careful that we...

  8. a group of people standing before a chapel

    20,000 Laurentians and Counting

    Deborah Dudley

    The Campaign for Every Laurentian was a success. What’s Next?

  9. Chocolate ingredients

    Chocolate: The Unifying Element

    Nicole Stanton ’22

    Sustainability Program spearheads interdisciplinary exploration of chocolate through a Mars Corporation grant

  10. An older Mohawk woman on campus


    Deborah Dudley in partnership with Majorie Kaniehtonkie Barnes Skidders ’79, M’90

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