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  • Biology
  1. Morgan O'Hare stands outside of The Johns Hopkins Hospital with alumnus Doctor Robert Montgomery.

    Pre-Med Student Inspired by Her Own Medical History

    At the age of three, Morgan O’Hare '16 was diagnosed with a form a childhood cancer of the eye, known as retinoblastoma, and had to have one of her eyes removed. All the years of close medical attention and therapy, though, is something that she attributes to her interest in medicine today.

  2. Jeffrey R. Chiarenzelli, Judith Nagel-Myers, Jessica L. Chapman, Adam Hill and Ivan P. Ramler

    NSF Grant to Fund Liberal Arts Science Scholars Program

    St. Lawrence University has been awarded a five-year National Science Foundation grant worth $618,524 for the creation of a new liberal arts science scholars program that will assist underrepresented groups pursue STEM-related majors and careers.