
  1. Faculty Focus - Dec. 14, 2020

    St. Lawrence University faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Most often their research is published in peer-reviewed journals and articles and through lectures, as well as through conference papers and presentations. Take a look at what faculty members recently shared.

  2. Five Students Qualify for Fall 2020 Chymist

    Congratulations to Emmanuella Dwomo Agyei, Hannah Kenney, Leo Romanetz, MacKenzie Russ and Rachel Siegel! We will have an induction ceremony in the Spring Semester. The Chymist honorary organization...

  3. St. Lawrence in the News - Dec. 14, 2020

    This regular roundup features a selection of recent mentions of St. Lawrence University and its students, faculty, and staff in regional, national, and international media outlets.

  4. History Prof. Publishes Book on Slavery in Cuba

    Evelyn Jennings, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Margaret Vilas Chair of Latin American History, has published “Constructing the Spanish Empire in Havana: State Slavery in Defense and Development, 1762–1835,” the first book-length exploration of state slavery on the island.

  5. Looking up the street at brick buildings and storefronts, decorated for the holidays, on a Main Street in Canton, N.Y.

    "Getting the Folk Through It": Students Document Life in the North Country During COVID-19

    This semester, a group of first-year students became citizen folklorists, helping to document the experiences of their North Country neighbors and contributing to a project that will preserve this moment in local history for generations to come.

  6. Prof. Brook Henkel Publishes New Research on Early Film about Einsteinian Relativity

    Brook Henkel, Assistant Professor of German and Film Studies, recently published a peer-reviewed book chapter titled “The Einstein Film: Animation, Relativity, and the Charge of ‘Jewish Science’” in...

  7. Prof. Brook Henkel Publishes New Research on Early Film about Einsteinian Relativity

    Brook Henkel, Assistant Professor of German and Film Studies, recently published a peer-reviewed book chapter titled “The Einstein Film: Animation, Relativity, and the Charge of ‘Jewish Science’” in...

  8. Religious Studies Prof’s Research Paper Earns Top Prize

    Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Damon Berry won first prize in Nova Religio’s 17th annual Thomas Robbins Award for Excellence in the Study of New Religious Movements for his article, “Voting in the Kingdom: Prophecy Voters, the New Apostolic Reformation, and Christian Support for Trump.”

  9. Two students perform at an open mic. One sings and plays guitar and the other plays guitar. Both wear masks.

    What Laurentians Do: St. Lawrence Performance Arts Persevere Through COVID-19

    Michael Paulino '20

    The COVID-19 pandemic posed unique challenges for performing artists at St. Lawrence, but it didn't stop student leaders and dedicated faculty and staff members across campus from continuing the rich tradition of music and dance at St. Lawrence.

  10. Two students stand next to each other and smile for a selfie.

    First Person: Flights Aren't the Only Connections Made in Airports

    Cora Ferguson '23

    Anyone that has gone through airport security will tell you that at best, it’s a minor inconvenience, at worst… well let’s just say I learned my lesson and now I always put my graphing calculator in...