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  • Research and Experiential Learning
  1. St. Lawrence Awards Fall 2016 Innovation Grants

    St. Lawrence University announced the Fall 2016 Innovation Grant award recipients, which include creating an alternative resource for textbook purchasing, expanding leadership opportunities in the Outdoor Program, providing free feminine hygiene products in St. Lawrence restrooms, broadening the Contemplative Studies Initiative both in the classroom and on the campus, and providing gift cards to faculty who seek external grant funding.

  2. Active NSF Awards Top $1 Million

    Over the last year, the National Science Foundation has awarded St. Lawrence University more than $1 million for various faculty-led projects. The latest award of $282,390 will allow the University to obtain a laser-scanning confocal microscope to be used by the Department of Biology.

  3. Gunnar Ohlson and Margaret Mauch travel to study site near Savoonga, Alaska.

    St. Lawrence Receives NSF Grants for Research Projects

    The National Science Foundation has awarded two separate grants for projects led by St. Lawrence University faculty.

  4. McNair, CSTEP Students Participate in Research, Internships

    Eighteen St. Lawrence University Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate Achievement Program and Collegiate Science and Technology Entry Program (CSTEP) scholars conducted research or participated in internships on campus this summer.

  5. Morgan O'Hare stands outside of The Johns Hopkins Hospital with alumnus Doctor Robert Montgomery.

    Pre-Med Student Inspired by Her Own Medical History

    At the age of three, Morgan O’Hare '16 was diagnosed with a form a childhood cancer of the eye, known as retinoblastoma, and had to have one of her eyes removed. All the years of close medical attention and therapy, though, is something that she attributes to her interest in medicine today.

  6. Two St. Lawrence Faculty Awarded Walker Research Fellowships

    Two St. Lawrence University faculty members were awarded T. Urling and Mabel Walker Research Fellowships for 2015.