Faculty Research Fellowship Awards (Large Grant)
Overview of the Program
The Dean’s Faculty Development and Research Funds support various scholarly activities of full-time faculty. These funds, administered by the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs Office, are available as Faculty Research Fellowship Awards (Large Grants), up to $3,000. Faculty Research Fellowship Awards (Large Grants) are awarded once per year, in early spring, after a review process.
Faculty Research Fellowship Awards
These grant awards are intended to provide more significant financial support for faculty research and other scholarly projects. The Faculty Development Committee is responsible for reviewing Faculty Research Fellowship Award proposals and making recommendations to the Dean. The policy is to support projects selected for funding fully rather than support all proposed projects partially. Even if total requests do not exceed the available funds, the funded proposals must be judged worthy of University support.
Proposals for Faculty Research Fellowship Awards are collected once per year (in February), awarded once per year (in March), and require that the funds be spent entirely in the NEXT FISCAL YEAR. This year’s deadline is Monday, February 3, 2025, for spending July 1, 2025-June 30, 2026. After the Faculty Development Committee and the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs have reviewed all proposals and made their selections, their recommendations will be forwarded to the Dean of Academic Affairs.
Faculty Research Fellowship Awards are available only to tenure-track and tenured faculty members.
Instructions and Guidelines for Faculty Research Fellowship Awards (Large Grants)
Program Overview:
Faculty Research Fellowship Awards (Large Grants) are intended to offer assistance to faculty members as they launch new research projects or make progress with ongoing scholarship. Faculty Research Fellowship Awards are not intended to necessarily fund the whole of any research project. The maximum award is $3000. Faculty who receive a Faculty Research Fellowship Award that is $2000 or less will be ineligible for the next academic year. Faculty who receive an award that is greater than $2000 (up to the maximum of $3000) will be ineligible for funds for the next two academic years. Applications for Faculty Research Fellowship Awards must include a statement about whether other possible sources of funding, both on and off campus, have been sought. If a faculty member requests grant money for an ongoing project, we expect to see evidence of seeking funding elsewhere. These awards are available only to those who will continue to be tenured or tenure-track faculty members at St. Lawrence during the academic year following the awarding of the grant.
Proposal Guidelines:
Applications for Faculty Research Fellowship Awards require a formal proposal. The proposal must incorporate greater depth and detail than necessary for a Scholarly Development Award and should be written so that Faculty Development Committee members from all disciplines are able to understand its intent and methodology.
The proposal must include:
1. A descriptive title of the proposed project
2. A 50-word summary of the project
3. A complete project description (not to exceed 3-5 single-spaced pages):
a) The proposal must include information about your background and qualifications to carry out your project.
b) The proposal should explain how your proposed research project fits with your current and future research agenda. In addition, you should explain your project’s contribution to your discipline.
c) The proposal requires an in-depth discussion of the current project and should include the goals, rationale, and process or methodology. Additional information related to the project (e.g., questionnaires/surveys, descriptions of archives or other research places to be visited, a bibliography) can be included in the project description or included as appendices. The committee strongly encourages applicants to devote considerable thought to this section of the proposal.
4. A brief but specific timeline for completion of proposed project activities.
5. An itemized budget. The budget requested can support only one research project.
6. A current curriculum vitae.
Funding Criteria:
All proposals for Faculty Research Fellowship Awards will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
1. The justification of the funds requested in the budget.
2. The reasonable expectation of the project’s completion within the proposed time frame.
3. The promise of wider dissemination of the research by a presentation at a professional conference, publication, or exhibition.
4. The proposal should be submitted at a sufficiently advanced stage in the planning of the project to demonstrate feasibility.
5. The proposal should be clearly written and organized and include all items indicated above.
6. The proposal must establish the intellectual merit of the proposal.
Budget Guidelines:
1. Faculty should estimate for travel associated with the project.
2. Normally, when research projects involve travel, Faculty Research Fellowship awards fund up to 15 days of related lodging and meal expenses. Exceptions to this limit should be justified in the proposal.
3. Meals will be reimbursed at the rate of $30 per day with or without receipts.
4. Grants do not cover moving or commuting expenses.
5. Grants do not cover capital request items or equipment.
6. Grants are awarded for items and activities within the timeline specified in the proposal. Any budgetary or time change must receive prior approval from the Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs.
7. Funds awarded will be available for spending in the next fiscal year beginning on July 1st and expenses must be used by the end of the same fiscal year, on June 30th.
Post-Award Requirements:
Recipients of a Faculty Research Fellowship Award are expected to formally present their work on-campus within a year of completing the project (e.g. at a Book Celebration or Faculty Café). Generally, faculty will not be funded for an additional research fellowship award until they have presented on previous grant-funded research.
To submit an application for a Large Grant, please click the following link https://student.stlawu.edu/register/largegrant.