Mid-Career Faculty Grant

Mid-Career Faculty Grant for Building Inclusive Scholarship and Creative Activities                     

Up to 3 awards of up to $1000 each

Proposal Due Date:
March 1, 2023 to acadean@stlawu.edu

Goal: To support research of associate professors that incorporates some aspect of human diversity, inequality, and/or creating inclusive environments.

Eligibility: Full-time associate professors tenured 6 years or more.

Eligible projects include those for which external peer-reviewed publication is the ultimate goal. Grants may be awarded for projects at all stages of development - projects that are in their beginning stages as well as those that are nearly ready for external peer review. Examples of the types of projects this grant seeks to support include (but are not limited to): 

Scholarship of Discovery (original research advancing knowledge), e.g.:
Differential resistance to disease across diverse populations
Social inequality in the works of Homer

Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (systematic study of teaching and learning processes), e.g.:
Teaching upper-level mathematics to a culturally diverse classroom: a model for inclusion
Diversity, social justice, inclusion, and belonging in arts education
Using music to increase comprehension in middle school classrooms for differently-abled students

Scholarship of Application (applying systems of knowledge to those outside the academy), e.g.:
Mixed-methods survey of client base for Watertown Public Library: developing a plan for increasing diversity of clients
Working with a health care organization to understand differential access to health care and develop a plan to expand access

Proposals must include:

  • Title of project
  • 1-2 page description of intended research to include the current stage of the project and an anticipated timeline for completion of project, and specifying what stage of the project this grant period is expected to support. Proposal must address specifically how project aligns with SLU’s value of diversity, inclusion, and belonging.
  • A brief description of anticipated methodology
  • A brief description of plan for external peer reviewed publication
  • Anticipated budget
  • Current CV

The following criteria will be used to evaluate submissions:

  • Clarity of the proposal in general, including: 
    • Anticipated steps involved in the research
    • Plan for external peer-review. 
  • Alignment of the proposed research with SLU’s value of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.
  • Priority will be given to faculty who have not received a mid-career faculty grant for building inclusive scholarship and creative activities in the previous 3 years.

Recipients will be expected to present their research to the SLU community – e.g., during a Faculty Café or similar venue.