Alumni Executive Council Virtual Meeting Minutes

December 3, 2016


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I. Roll Call (Neil)
II. President’s report (Ed)
III. Campus report (Kim)
IV. Treasurers Report (Sue)
V. Membership and Honors (Lori)
VI. Student Services Committee (Cort)
VII. Admissions Committee (Danni)

Forbes called the meeting to order at 10:02 a.m. on Saturday, December 3rd.

Chatterjee called the roll and confirmed that a quorum was present for the conduct of business.

Hansen requested changes to the minutes from the 23Oct16 meeting. The changes include the addition of a statement that Ms. Hansen volunteered to work with the students on their seminar/presentation; a question about the study shortfall for the fall class of incoming students; and a note that the author of the minutes needs to be indicated on the submitted minutes. All of these changes will be addressed in a future amendment. Hansen moved to approve the minutes with an amendment. Jenkins seconded. The minutes were approved by voice vote.

President’s Report

President Forbes began his report by recognizing the life and contribution of June Peoples. Peoples, a writer who had joined the Advancement team from North Country Public Radio earlier in 2016, died Dec. 1. Forbes extended the Council's sympathies to Peoples' colleagues among the Advancement team.

Forbes thanked the Council for its good efforts in 2016. Each committee marked successes:
» Finance and Resources developed a commendable 2017 budget through a transparent, engaging process;
» Membership and Honors worked to meet Council expansion goals;
» Advancement and Engagement worked closely with Advancement staff to find ways for the Council to contribute to the forthcoming campaign;
» Student Services and Recruitment delivered a terrific program of student programming that extended the network

Forbes reported that the Alumni Executive Council Endowment for Internships and Experiential Learning was nearing $200,000 in pledges, with more than $120,000 realized. Forbes thanked the Council for its thoughtful discussion on the centennial gift and reminded the group that he intended to convene a working group charged with completing fundraising efforts for the endowment. He said he expected that team to be charged in January.

Campus Update

Hissong shared news about the appointment of Alan Draper as the first Michael W. Ranger ’80 and Virginia R. Ranger P’17 Professor in Government.

Hissong also shared that a search committee is being appointed to hire Jeff Rickey’s (Vice President and Dean of Admissions & Financial Aid) successor. The search will be chaired by Val Lehr, Professor of Government and former Vice President and Dean of Academic Affairs, working closely with Napier Executive Search. Numbers for the Class of 2021 are strong with fall visit days for prospective students having set record highs. Application volume has increased over the prior two years for early decision and the regular form, too (ED 150 vs 130, Common Application 770 vs 625). Counselors have visited 100 more high schools than last fall’s travel. The early indicators are right on track. Beginning in January, Melissa Farmer Richards, Vice President for Communications, will also assume the role of Acting Executive Officer for Admissions. She will work closely with Senior Enrollment Advisor, Ruth Vedvik, a Principal for Hardwick Day.

Within Advancement, we are finalizing searches for remote major gift officer positions in Boston and Westchester/Fairfield counties, a Director of Planned Giving and a Director of Corporate and Foundation Relations/Sponsored Research.

Hissong also provided an update on Keenan Weischedel, son of former AEC member Gary Weischedel, and Betsy Weischedel. Keenan has been moved to Spaulding Rehabilitation Center in Boston, MA. The Singing Saints will be performing a concert honoring Keenan on Sunday in Gunnison Memorial Chapel that can be viewed via Facebook Live.

Treasurers Report

See attached

Bob Rood motioned to approve the budget. Lee seconded. The budget was approved at 10:33am

Membership and Honors

Bantz reported that the committee began with about 50 possibles, from combined sources -current and former Council members, A&E staff, other staff, and last year's carryover. The committee’s goal, and AEC's goal to maintain critical mass and a broad base of activities, was to facilitate Council growth from roughly 35 to 50 by 2018-2019, i.e.; half this year, next year.

After Fall candidate contact calls, vetting, committee conversations, and working closely with expanded Prospect Spreadsheet and Term [Cluster] Lists, with Kim's excellent stewardship of these, our Invitation "short list" landed at 25.

Update will be provided in January

Student Services Committee

» Committee in process of splitting. Will be split by end of year
» Mocktail being planned for Jan meeting
» Jan NYC event in planning, save the date for Jan 19th

Admissions Committee

Danni shared with the group her appreciation for everyone doing the off campus interviews. She noted her committee would be meeting for the first time as the newly formed admissions committee on campus in January.

Hansen motioned to adjourn. Terrillion seconded.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:56 a.m.

Minutes humbly submitted by Neil Chatterjee