Object Codes

Descriptions Of Items To Be Included In Codes

Object codes are the last five digits of 15 digit account codes used by St. Lawrence University for accounting and financial reporting purposes.  The object code indicates the type of expense such as salary, supplies, printing, etc.  It is important that expenses  be charged to the correct object code so that resources may be effectively managed and board and governmental reporting requirements met.  If an account code containing the appropriate object code is not established, Mary Cosmo should be contacted for assistance.  


  • 51000-51009  Faculty Salaries - Salaries, stipends, or other compensation provided to those with faculty rank for instructional services.
    • 51000  Faculty - Tenured/Tenure Track
    • 51001  Faculty - Visiting
    • 51002  Faculty - On Leave
    • 51005  Faculty - Administrative Stipends
    • 51006  Faculty - Planning Stipends
    • 51007  Faculty - Cost of Living Adjustments
    • 51008  Faculty - SYE Stipends
    • 51009  Faculty - Overload
  • 51010  Technical/Professional Salaries - Salaries for professional support specialists, lab support personnel, audio-visual personnel, WSLU-FM radio personnel, librarians, and computer center personnel.
  • 51020  Administrative Salaries - For administrative and supervisory positions.
  • 51030  Secretarial/Clerical Wages - Hourly wages for all secretarial or clerical functions.
  • 51039  Secretarial/Clerical Wages - Overtime - Overtime wages for all secretarial or clerical functions.
  • 51040  Manual/Service Wages - Hourly wages for positions in Plant and Food Service covered by the current S.E.I.U. 200 contract and for security force hourly wages.
  • 51049  Manual/Service Wages - Overtime - Overtime wages for positions in Plant and Food Service covered by the current S.E.I.U. 200 contract and for security force hourly wages.
  • 51050  Teaching Assistants Salaries - Payments to graduate assistants, part-time teaching assistants, etc.
  • 51060-51069  Student Wages - Hourly wages for St. Lawrence University students.
  • 51070-51079  Temporary Wages - Hourly Wages for temporary or casual, full-time or part-time labor.
  • 51078 Permanent Part-Time Salaries & Wages
  • 51079 Overtime for Temporary Employees


  • 51599  Staff Benefits - Covers retirement, health insurance, education, and other benefit program costs and is an amount determined by formula to be charged each account to which salaries and wages are charged.


  • 52000-52009 Contract Employment - Payments to an agency for contracted employment services.
  • 52010-52019  Honoraria - Payments to speakers or visitors who perform brief services for the University, usually speeches.
  • 52020-52029  Consultants - Payments to independent individuals or firms who provide specific consulting assignments for the University, usually under a contract arrangement.
  • 52030-52039 Management Fees-

                52038- Banking Fees
                52039- Investment Management Fees

  • 52040-52049 Legal Fees- Payments to attorneys
  • 52050-52059 Accounting Fees- Payments to accounting and audit firms. 
  • 52080-52089  Professional Fees – Payments for other professional services not described above.


  • 52500-52509  Instructional Supplies - Materials purchased for classroom use such as art supplies, sheet music, tapes, etc.
  • 52510-52519  Laboratory Supplies - Animals, chemicals, glassware, laboratory manuals, test kits, etc.
  • 52520-52529 Office Supplies - Pens, pencils, paper, etc., necessary to run an office. 
  • 52530-52539  Books and Periodicals - Books, magazines, journals, newsletters. May include items in electronic formats such as audio and video tapes and CDs/DVDs.
  • 52540-52549 Software - Computer software that is not capital (less than $1,500).
  • 52550-52559  Maintenance - Paint, waxes, cleaning fluids, etc.
  • 52560-52569  Implements, Instruments, and Tools - This may be used in the broad sense of "tools of the trade," i.e. bats, balls, gloves, bases for baseball, hand tools for a carpenter, utensils for the cook, tools for department maintenance, etc.
  • 52570-52579 Clothes and Uniforms - To record purchase of sports uniforms, laboratory coats, or other special clothes required for the job.
  • 52580-52589 Furnishings & Equipment less than $5,000 - To record equipment, furnishings, decor, etc., that do not meet the threshold for a fixed asset.
  • 52590-52599 General/Other/Misc - This may be used for supplies that are not normally covered by the codes listed above.


  • 53000-53009  Copying/Duplicating-On Campus - Copying and duplicating on Xerox or other copy equipment located on campus.
  • 53010-53019 Freight - Freight and United Parcel Service charges.
  • 53020-53021  Campus Mailroom Services - Postal Service charges incurred from the use of the Campus Mailroom.
  • 53030-53039  Postal Services-Off Campus - Postal Service charges incurred at locations other than the Campus Mailroom.
  • 53040-53049  Printing and Binding - Typesetting and printing costs for University or departmental publications. Also binding of books/periodicals.
  • 53050-53059  Advertising - Newspaper, radio, and poster ads for Bookstore, Summer Session, personnel recruitment, etc.
  • 53060-53069 Lease/Rental - For leased equipment, film rental, rental of facilities (including foreign programs).
  • 53070-53079 Dues, Licenses, Memberships - Payments, usually annual, to maintain current status for licenses and memberships in approved organizations.
  • 53080-53089 Telephone - Local and long distance charges for service.
  • 53090-53099  Audio-Visual - For services from the University and others pertaining to audio-visual equipment production or service.
  • 53100-53109 Computer Services - Charges for computer services such as software licenses and maintenance contracts.
  • 53110-53119 Internet Access - Charges for Internet access services.
  • 53120-53129  Cleaning and Laundry
  • 53190-53199 Other Contract Services - Any contracted-for service not covered by above.


  • 53500-53509  Maintenance and Repair - Maintenance expenses of buildings and fixtures, charges by outside service persons, including labor and materials.
  • 53510-53519  Vehicle Expense - Oil, gasoline, vehicle service, tires, etc., usually limited to Facilities Operations maintenance of vehicle fleet.
  • 53520-53529  Parts and Repairs - May be used for machines, instruments, etc. Maintenance contracts for equipment should be included in this category.
  • 53530-53539 Work Orders – Facilities – Work order charges from Facilities Operations are charged with this object.

 54000-54020   UTILITIES

  • 54000  Fuel/Heat - Oil, gas, and other fuel expenses.
  • 54010  Electricity - Charges from utility companies for electric services.
  • 54020  Sewer/Water - Charges from a governmental agency or utility.


  • 54500-54509  Business Travel - Mileage, air fare, hotel accommodations, meals, and other expenses (except conference registration) incurred while traveling on University business.
  • 54510-54519 Athletic Team Travel
  • 54520-54529  Entertainment - For meals, receptions, etc., associated with University business.
  • 54530-54539  Field Trips - Travel expense associated with student field trips.
  • 54540-54549 Conference Registrations - Registration Fees (but not travel expenses) paid for sending faculty or staff to conferences, meetings, or conventions conducted by other organizations.
  • 55000-55009  Debt Service - Interest and amortization on loans.
  • 55500-55509 Financial Aid/Scholarships - For gift aid to students.
  • 56000-56009  Assessments and Taxes - For governmental assessments, taxes, or voluntary payment in lieu of taxes.         
  • 56010-56019  Insurance - Insurance premiums
  • 56020-56029 Room & Board Allowance - Room and board charges incurred by departments for SLU students on or off campus.
  • 56030-56035 Prizes and Awards - Payments for special recognition of individuals.
  • 56036-56039 Fellowships - Payments to support academic study and/or research.
  • 56040-56049 Contributions - Contributions by the University to governmental, charitable, or non-profit organizations.
  • 56080-56099  Miscellaneous - Used only when item will not fit any other category.
  • 56500-56509  Food - Dining Services Only - Meats, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, etc.                        
  • 57000-57009 Purchases for Resale - Bookstore Only - Goods purchased specifically to be resold.
  • 59990-59999  Expense Credits –Credits for charges to other department accounts for services such as mail, phone, copying, room and board 

The following object codes should only be used for capital projects or fixed asset purchases in accordance with our fixed asset policy.  All capital spending must be approved by Senior Staff.  Please reach out to Eric Shinnick for further information regarding capital budget requests.


  • 60100-60109  Instructional Equipment - Maps, scientific instruments, and other instructional equipment.
  • 60110-60119 Audio-Visual Equipment - Cameras, projectors, microphones, screens, and other equipment used for audio visual presentations.
  • 60120-60129 Computer Equipment - Computers and peripheral equipment related to the computer.
  • 60130-60139 Office Equipment - Typewriters, Dictaphone, transcriber, calculators, etc.
  • 60140-60149 Furnishings - Bookcases, chairs, tables, desks and other furnishings.
  • 60150-60159 Implements and Tools - Lathes, work bench, grinder, drill press, etc.
  • 60160-60169 Art Acquisitions - Paintings, sculpture, other works of art.
  • 60170-60179 Vehicles - Carts, cars, trucks, tractors, etc.
  • 60180-60189  Library Acquisitions- Materials such as books, periodicals, database to be maintained in the university’s library collection 
  • 60190-60199  Miscellaneous Capital - Capital expenditures which don't fit above categories.


  • 60200-60209 Land - Expenses associated with the purchase of University land. This includes all costs incidental to the purchase of the land such as legal expenses and brokers fees and expenses incurred in preparing the land for use.
  • 60300-60309  Land Improvements - Costs incurred for all improvements to land other than buildings, such as streets, sidewalks, parking lots, landscaping, and utility distribution systems.
  • 60400-60409  Equipment - Costs of equipment to be installed in or permanently affixed to a building (equipment will not be tagged and inventoried).
  • 60500-60509  Professional Fees- Costs for permits, architects, engineers, construction management.
  • 60600-60609 Contractor Fees- Costs of construction such as general contractors, painting, carpentry, masonry, etc.

                60607    Electrical
                60608    Plumbing
                60609    Mechanical/HVAC

  • 60900-60909  Contingency