Memories of Lewis Barkley

Lew's stories and sense of humor made every day a great day! There's so much I could say about Lew but mostly that he asked for very little and gave a lot. He just wanted to fish, hunt, take pictures of wildlife and make people laugh. I have missed him every day since he retired and miss him even more now.
Cheryl Canfield, Athletics

Louey was such a wonderful, warm, delightful guy, he made my day special when I saw him. He was my "go to" guy for fishing information and tips, loved sharing his fishing knowledge and sharing stories. I shall miss him.
John P. (Jack) Taylor, Dining Services

I can still see Lew sitting at the cage desk drinking coffee with others from Athletics and across campus telling stories and laughing. The cage was a fun family of laughter and stories, he made everyone feel welcome and important. I was lucky enough to support his technology needs and, boy, did he have needs! My heart goes out to his family.
Rene Thatcher, Information Technology

Lew added so much energy and laughter to Augsbury. No matter if you were a first-year student-athlete or a colleague in the department, he greeted you with kindness at his door. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and friends, as well as all those Saints that he supported with pride.
Joe Keniston '05

Oh, the times we had, along with our mutual friend Don Meisner. Along with John Clark, Louie and I filmed a segment for the show. What a riot he was. It’s always precious to remember those people that have had a positive impact on our lives. Godspeed to you dear friend.
Harley Lowry

Lew and I spent a lot of hours in the cage. Every day spent with Lew usually resulted in embellished stories and belly laughs. I still remember the day he was telling me how he had found the perfect deer spot. “There were so many deer by me I couldn’t move…they were walking right up to me and sniffing my gun…”  I had a lot of fun with that one.  Knowing Lew and working with him made my time at SLU that much more memorable and that much more enjoyable. Rest In Peace my friend.
Steve Shoults '90