Memories of Sharon Ober

Sharon was one of those people, that once you met her, you never forgot it. She entertained me for years and I always enjoyed my calls to the Physical Plant. The memory of her will continue to make me giggle to myself and others that new her. Rest in peace sweet lady, you won't be forgotten.
Suzanne Noble, Student Life

Sharon was an amazing lady. I remember when Drew was little he used to run up the long staircase to her desk in Facilities to see her. He loved the Aqua crib mobile that she got him. I was shocked and saddened to hear this news. Thoughts and prayers go out to DJ, Doug and the rest of her family.
Susan C. Johnson, Security

I am sorry to here this news. I worked with Sharon most of my years @ SLU. She had a one of a kind personality. Always helpful, a great sense of humor and truly the glue which helped the Physical Plant run so efficiently.  If you needed something done or expedited, you got hold of Sharon. She will be missed but her memories will be carried on. My condolences to her family.
Ted Coviello, Contracts, Compliance & Risk Management (Retired)

My first encounter with Sharon was in my first semester as a new hire. I was living in a University-owned house and woke up one morning to discover the fridge had died overnight. I called Facilities at about 8:00, and Sharon had a new fridge in my kitchen before lunch. Every campus has a small number of employees who can really get things done, and I knew right away she was one of them. I didn't meet her in person for several years, but talked with her on the phone many times. When I went up to introduce myself, she said she knew who I was because she recognized my voice.
Sharon, you always made people feel special. Thank you for that.
Chris Watts, Music

Sharon was always so warm and welcoming when talking with her at facilities. She was quick to engage in friendly conversation and knew you by name. She made an otherwise mundane task something to look forward to. Her positive spirit will continue to be a fond St. Lawrence memory.
John Newman '94, Athletics and Recreation

Thank you, Sharon, so much for your quality efforts on behalf of those of us laboring in the fields, as it were, and for the sense of humor that always "made it alright" - whatever "it" happened to be. Many times, while I was department chair, I called you with a problem and you solved it with ease and grace! A laugh was always involved, and I always felt better when I hung up. I was sorry to lose you to retirement, and I am now sorry to lose you from our SLU retired community! Bless you in your new endeavors. We do miss you.
Mark Erickson, Geology

What a great lady and person. She was always there for you.
Randy LaBrake, Athletics

I was lucky to get to work with Sharon in acquiring vehicles to take students out for field labs. And in addition, she was the go-to person at the other end of the phone line when a leaky sink needed repair or the like. Sharon was always kind, helpful, and friendly. I send my condolences to her entire family.
Erika Barthelmess, Biology