Memories of Stuart Lee Hills

  • Dr. Hills was such an inspiring & fun professor. As my advisor I joined him once at a Conference at Univ. of Buffalo. He was so genuinely invested in getting his students keenly invested in learning about the multiple patterns of culture. I loved his humor & skill in his awareness & creativity in presenting topics related to criminal behavior & deviance. His youthful energy & spirit were especially attractive & I chose a career in prison chaplaincy, both for Spiritual reasons & at the same time a certain intrigue with the population. Thanks to Dr. Hills All the Best to his Family!!–William Cunnings '75
  • So sad to hear of the passing of Stu Hills. 1 of my all-time favs at SLU, he really knew how to engage a class and make Sociology come alive. Loved his Criminology class and always looked forward to his guest speakers. Lots of energy and a great human being. RIP my friend.–Jay Robie '91