Message to Students

Laurentian Students,

Last evening, several hundred students gathered on the lawn of MacAllaster House to share concerns about sexual misconduct on our campus and ask questions of me and Student Life leaders, including Hagi Bradley, Chris Marquart, John O’Connor, and Maverick Cummings. I was grateful for the opportunity, especially as a new member of this community, to hear your voices, your questions, and your concerns. I heard your anger, your fear, and your sadness about sexual assault on campus. I heard you express concern that our policies and processes inhibit people from reporting what they experience. And I heard your anger about both our processes and about the outcomes of cases. 

I also heard a passion for action to create a campus free from sexual misconduct. I heard a sense of mutual responsibility and respect between students and the administration. And you asked for an open forum wherein students can ask questions and learn more about how Title IX works, what campus resources we have, what campus resources are in development, and our next steps on the Task Force on the Causes and Prevention of Sexual Misconduct (SLU username and password are required). Please stay tuned: I have asked Hagi Bradley to work with Student Life leaders and our Title IX committee to schedule an open forum for the week after fall break. 

I also want to highlight that next week, after break, is the Advocates’ Purple Week which includes a series of events hosted by the Advocates and other student advocacy organizations to raise awareness and support for survivors of domestic violence. Additionally, the Advocates have received many requests from students who want to become trained Advocates and are now planning an Advocates Aware Training for November 12-14 to meet that need. I hope you will consider participating in Purple Week and taking part in the Advocates’ training opportunity, and we look forward to the open forum next week and will send details as soon as we have them.

In the meantime, please be aware of the following sources of support: 

  • SLU Safety and Security: 315-229-5555 
  • Advocates 24/7 hotline: 315-244-5466
  • 24-Hour Mental Health Crisis Line: 315-229-1914
  • Health and Counseling Center: 315-229-5392
  • Renewal House (a local non-profit organization for individuals who are victims of stalking, domestic/sexual violence): 315-379-9845

Let me state very clearly: sexual misconduct is unacceptable, both on our campus and everywhere. That sexual misconduct occurs on our campus is abhorrent and violates the norms, expectations, and obligations of our Laurentian community. We must and we will do better.

Kate Morris
October 13, 2021