2022 - 2023

Fall 2022-Spring 2023

  • Mikayla Quinn- Art to Distract: Reducing the Arousal of an Angry Mood in Children - Advisor: Laura Mills-Smith

  • Ngoc Tan- English Learners’ Perceptions and Experiences of Higher Education - Advisor: Laura Mills-Smith

  • Keenan Wilson, John Glover- The Impact of Exercise and High-Fat Diet on Impulsivity in Rats - Advisor: Adam Fox

  • Katherine Sheehy - The Effect of Episodic Future Thinking on Delay Discounting in Individuals Diagnosed with an Eating Disorder - Advisor: Adam Fox

  • Laken Mooney- Pre-crastination: When People Complete Tasks Unnecessarily Early at a Cost - Advisor: Adam Fox

  • Olivia Watson - Student athlete perceptions of vulnerability - Advisor: Cheryl Stuntz

  • Paige Meshcon - Responses to different exercise intensities - Advisor: Cheryl Stuntz

  • Lexie Zeppos, Kayla Karmis, Madeline Ford - Ovulation Study: The Role of Ovulation in Attraction - Advisor: Megs Carpenter

  • Luke Maye - Bisexual Protoypicality Study - Advisor: Megs Carpenter