Add Authorizations for Faculty
To be used during the add/drop period.
Important Information:
- By granting an add authorization, you will be able to override your course cap, pre-requisites and course restrictions. You do not need to contact the Registrar’s Office to increase your course cap through use of this tool.
- You can override any applicable restrictions that are already set to the course section. For example: “No FY’s”, “No SR’s”, etc.
- You can override any course restriction with add authorization.
If you have any questions, contact the Registrar’s Office between the hours of 8:30AM – 4:30PM by phone at 315-229-5267 or by email at
Steps to Grant Add Authorization
Students will email to request permission to add your course during the add/drop period. Before you email the student to inform them they may add the course, you must grant them authorization through the Self-Service/APR2 system.
- Log into Self-Service/APR2. Select “Faculty” from the main screen.
- Select the appropriate course section that you want to add the student to.
- The selected course section will appear as below. Select the “Permissions” tab.
- Select “Add Authorization”.
- Search for the student in the search box. The student will be required to provide you with the following information:
- First and last name
- Student ID number
- Class level (FY, SO, JR, SR)
- Major(s)/minor(s)
- List any other important information that was listed as required in the course description in the course catalog.
- Click on the appropriate student name that matches the above information (you must click on the auto-generated name in order for it to populate to the next step).
- Review the student name one final time, and click “Ok” to grant the student authorization to add the course. You may select “Cancel” if this is the wrong student.
- You will receive a certification message that the add authorization has been granted. This will populate in the upper right hand corner of your screen.
- You will also see the student name populate under your “Student Add Authorizations” list.
- Within the "Student Add Authorizations" list there will be a "Status" column.
- You will see in this column that you have the opportunity to revoke authorization.
- Once the student has registered for the authorized course, the status will update to "Registered"
- After the student registers, you will not be able to revoke the add authorization. You will need to contact the student and Registrar’s Office in order to revoke the registration.
- Once add authorization has been granted, email the student to confirm that they may self-register for the course in Self-Service/APR2.