Course Load and Full-Time Status

Course Load for Undergraduates

A normal course load during the fall or spring semester consists of four courses totaling 4-5 units of credit. A normal course load during summerterm consists of no more than 2 units.


Enrollment Status for Undergraduates

Enrollment status is based on the number of credit hours of course enrollment in a semester. Full-time status is defined as enrollment for at least 12 semester hours (3.5 SLU units) of matriculated credit for a term of 15 weeks. Please reference the following for further clarification:


  • Full Time = ≥ 3.50 units
  • Half Time = 1.75 to 3.49 units
  • Less than HT = < 1.75 units


  • Full Time = 2 units
  • Half Time = 1 unit

Students who begin the semester on a part-time status, or who fall to part-time during the first month of the semester by dropping or withdrawing from a course, will be certified as part-time students for New York State financial aid purposes, other private scholarships that require full-time certification, and repayment of student loans. Part-time students will also lose their aid from the New York State Tuition Assistance Program (TAP).  Please note that foreign students, veterans, and athletes who participate in an NCAA sport are affected by a part-time status whenever the status change occurs. A student’s health insurance coverage may also be affected by part-time status. 

Enrollment status data is sent to the National Student Loan Clearinghouse (NSLC) on a monthly basis each Fall and Spring semester. Students seeking enrollment verification must understand that the enrollment reports to the NSLC are based solely on the number of units registered. Whenever a student’s registration status changes (e.g., full-time to half-time or vice versa), the date of the change is noted in the database and enrollment verifications will reflect the new status.

Cross-registered courses through the Associated Colleges of St. Lawrence Valley count toward full-time status.

Enrollment Status for Graduate Students

Graduate students must be enrolled in 2.49 units (9 semester hours) to be considered full time. Between 1.25 - 1.86 units = half time.