Waive Pre-Requisite Requirements for Faculty
To be used during the add/drop period.
Steps to Waive Pre-Requisite Requirements
Students will email to request permission to add your course during the add/drop period. You may have set current course restrictions, such as “No SR’s”, “No FYs”, etc., but you have now decided you would like to allow Seniors or First Years in your course. Before you email the student to inform them they may add the course, you must waive the pre-requisite requirements, and grant them authorization through the Self-Service/APR2 system.
- Log into Self-Service/APR2. Select “Faculty” from the main screen.
- Select the appropriate course section that you want to add the student to.
- The selected course section will appear as below. Select the “Permissions” tab.
- Select “Requisite Waiver”.
- Search for the student in the search box. The student will be required to provide you with the following information:
- First and last name
- Student ID number
- Class level (FY, SO, JR, SR)
- Major(s)/minor(s)
- List any other important information that was listed as required in the course description in the course catalog.
- Click on the appropriate student name that matches the above information (you must click on the auto-generated name in order for it to populate to the next step).
- Review the student name one final time, and click “Ok” to grant the student authorization to add the course. You may select “Cancel” if this is the wrong student.
- You will receive a certification message that the add authorization has been granted. This will populate in the upper right hand corner of your screen.
- You will also see the student name populate under your “Student Add Authorizations” list.
- Within the "Student Add Authorizations" list there will be a "Status" column.
- You will see in this column that you have the opportunity to revoke authorization.
- Once the student has registered for the authorized course, the status will update to "Registered"
- After the student registers, you will not be able to revoke the add authorization. You will need to contact the student and Registrar’s Office in order to revoke the registration.
- Once add authorization has been granted, email the student to confirm that they may self-register for the course in Self-Service/APR2.