SLU Sustainability Farm

Summer Internship

Summer Land Steward and Garden Internship Application 2023

Applications Due March 5th

Apply here:

The Summer Land Steward and Garden Internship is a collaboration of two internships: the Sustainability Farm Internship and the Environmental Studies Land Stewardship. For summer 2023, we will hire 2 interns for the farm internship and 2 interns for the land stewardship internship. Though they are distinct internships, all interns live together in the Sustainability Farm house and often work collaboratively on shared projects in the multiple gardens and land management activities under the direction of the Sustainability Program Director, Samuel Joseph, Environmental Studies assistant professor, Aaron Iverson, and the Living Lab Curator.  The interns will work 10-12 weeks with an opportunity for some time off in the middle. The ideal start date is mid to late-May. Interns will be provided a stipend plus food and housing located at the Sustainability Farm (~5 mi from campus). Interns may have the possibility for continuing paid positions at the Sustainability Farm or Environmental Studies in the fall semester.

Sustainability Program Interns: The sustainability program uses the landscape to engage in place-based learning about food systems and sustainability. We utilize the garden to grow, preserve, and eat local organic food. The interns help maintain the garden over the summer. The work involves working with annuals, livestock, and food preservation. Students will additionally engage in research and independent projects.

Environmental Studies Land Steward Interns:  The Living Laboratory is a unique space for the environmental studies department to conduct research and engage classes with the landscape.  Professors have used this space for ecological corridor restoration, renewable energy, and agroecology.  The interns will maintain existing perennial plantings and establish and care for new plantings of native trees, perennial crops, cover crops, and vegetables. Interns will also assist with both research and construction projects at the site. In addition to the Living Lab responsibilities, the interns will spend a portion of their weekly work requirement at the Sustainability Farm, working with other interns in the gardens or other projects.

Along with the application (see link below), please submit a resume and contact information for a reference (professional or academic) on or before March 5, 2023. The intern will be expected to spend at least five hours working with Samuel Joseph or Aaron Iverson before the end of spring semester.

To apply, go to this link: 

If you have questions contact Sustainability Program Director, Samuel Joseph or Environmental Studies Assistant Professor, Aaron Iverson 

Intern Responsibilities:
•    Garden management including planting, weeding, harvesting, soil preparation
•    Participate in research design, implementation, and data collection 
•    Maintain records including planning, planting, and harvest
•    Maintain grounds (including mowing and minor upkeep of structures, e.g. fencing)
•    Plant, protect, and water trees used in ecological restoration
•    Assist with small construction projects and building upkeep
•    Social media posts and advertising
•    Animal chores
•    Food preservation

Intern Qualifications:
•    Willingness to work outside in all weather conditions
•    Good organizational, note taking, and communication skills
•    Ability to work collaboratively and independently
•    Good attitude and sense of humor
•    Desire for environmental health, sustainability, and environmental justice

Living Arrangements at the Sustainability Farm:  All interns will live together in the sustainability farm house.  Part of this living arrangement requires house chores, cooking rotations, and weekend animal chores.  Additionally, we will have occasional house meetings.