French major & minor

Requirement for the Francophone Studies major: Starting Fall 2024

Francophone studies majors are strongly encouraged to spend a semester, studying in a university in Bordeaux with the SLU program in the spring, or through the program with CIE in Toulouse. The Bordeaux program is open to all levels of French (from beginners to advanced students). At the University of Bordeaux, students may take courses in Art History, Economics, sciences, French and Francophone Literature, Government (at the Sciences politiques school), and African Studies; all courses are taught in French and some of them are taught in English (for beginners in French).

Students doing an abroad program in France (or a Francophone country) may receive four credits towards the Francophone Studies major and/or minor.

In the fall, students can go to Rennes through CIEE program (see the CIIS website for more information) and they may receive credits toward their Francophone studies major/minor.

The major consists of nine courses at the 103 level or above. One of the 9 courses can be a cultural course related to the field taken in English through the World Languages Dept.

Requirement for the Francophone Studies minor:

A Francophone studies minor consists of six courses at the 101 level or beyond, of which two must be taken on campus.  Students in the programs in France may count three courses toward the minor (semester program).

Students who begin French at a level higher than 104 are exempt from 1 major unit. Except for LANG 350, courses at the 300 level are offered only in France; 400-level courses, including Independent Study and Honors Project, are offered only on campus.

Students on the program in France receive four units toward the Francophone studies major or minor if they take courses in French at the university (300-levels), they will get 2 units if they take courses in English and French language classes at the University of Bordeaux.