LRC - Writing Centers

The LRC is the location for the Spanish and French Writing Centers and a place where students can work or hang out.

For questions about the centers, appointments & schedule, please email Gisele El Khoury.

Hours of Operation:

Spanish Writing Center: Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays from 7 pm to 9 pm.

  • Haydee Matos (Sunday)
  • Marlia Richer (Monday)

  • Elena Cortina (Tuesday)

French Writing Center: Sundays, Mondays, and Tuesdays from 7 pm to 9 pm.

  • Kymie Bouchard (Sunday)
  • Julie Mazenc
  • Sarah Bordessoul


  1. Use this link to reserve an appointment: LRC service page on Starfish
  2. Click on the blue link "Schedule Appointments" on the top right of the page.
  3. Select "LRC tutors"
  4. From the list of tutors, pick your desired date and time slot. Make sure you pick a tutor for the language you need tutoring in, as we have tutors under the Spanish center and others under the French center.
  5. After you pick the tutor/date/time, utilize the text box on the right to explain your meeting request.
  6. After reviewing the details, click on the "Confirm" button. An email will also be sent to you confirming the appointment.
  7. During your appointment, proceed to the LRC (Carnegie 208) for an in-person meeting with the tutor.

Appointment Policies

  • The appointments are usually 20 minutes.
  • You may schedule appointments up to three weeks in advance during the semester.
  • Your appointment will be automatically canceled if you are more than 10 minutes late.

Spanish Writing Center:  Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Rafael Castillo Bejarano

French Writing Center: Faculty Coordinator: Dr. Eloise Brezault

Tutoring Session Report: Please complete a separate copy of this form for EACH student you are tutoring.

Session Report Form