Spanish courses

101, 102. Elementary Spanish.
The principal  goal is the acquisition  of a basic level of communicative ability in Spanish. Video, film, audiotapes and the Internet provide current materials from Hispanic America, Spain and the United States Latino community to enhance language learning and knowledge of the culture. Language laboratory activities advance conversational  skills and oral comprehension.  Open  to students  with little or no prior study of the language.

103, 104. Intermediate Spanish.
Spoken and written Spanish are reinforced by a review of grammar and idiomatic strategies for self-expression. The course includes use of videos, music, literature, news broadcasts and the Internet as a means for understanding the contemporary culture of Hispanic America and Spain. Materials in the language laboratory facilitate conversation and increased oral comprehension. Prerequisite: Spanish 101,102 or equivalent. Also offered through Caribbean and Latin American Studies.

201. Advanced Spanish.
Review and expansion  of the four skills, with emphasis on the oral and written expression of ideas in Spanish on topics of current interest and cultural significance in the Spanish-speaking world. Materials studied include journalistic texts, videos, audiotapes, songs and literary works. For students who have completed Spanish103, 104 or who have four years or more of Spanish at the secondary level. Also offered through  Caribbean and Latin American Studies.

202. Hispanic Cultural Studies.
A language course with the aim of acquainting  students  with current  Hispanic culture through  the analysis of literary texts, films, advertisements and other materials drawn from Spain, Hispanic America and the Latino community  in the United States. Includes a research project on a cultural topic. This course fulfills the diversity distribution   requirement.  Also offered through Caribbean and Latin American Studies.

213. Introduction to the Cultures of Spain.
A study of the development of the cultures of Spain through history, art, music and literature. The course includes an analysis of Spanish cultural pluralism and its origins. Sources include literary works, texts on aspects of Spanish culture and history, videos and film, examples of Spanish art and music and material drawn from the Internet.  Not open to students who have completed a more advanced course. Taught  in Spanish, this course fulfills the diversity and humanities distribution requirement. Also offered through  European  Studies.

221. Latin America in Film.
This class examines  how Latin America is represented in films by directors from Hispanic America, Brazil, Europe and the United States. The films form the basis of conversation and research on themes related to contemporary  history, inter- ethnic conflict, traditional gender roles and immigration. The class is conducted entirely in Spanish, though some of the theoretical and technical readings on film are in English. This course fulfills the diversity and humanities distribution requirement. Also offered through Caribbean and Latin American  Studies.

244. Advanced Spanish for Heritage Speakers

Advanced Spanish for Heritage Speakers is a course designed specifically for bilingual (Spanish/English) students who want to strengthen written and oral expression as well as reading comprehension. The course builds on the language knowledge the students already possess while it includes extensive practice with the conventions of written Spanish and many activities designed to expand vocabulary. The course is also complemented with highlights of Latin American, Spanish and Latino culture.

3000-3999. Special Topics.
The content of each course or section of these 200-level special topics courses varies and will be announced each semester.

4000-4999.  Special Topics.
Designed for students who have completed Spanish 201, 202, special topics courses offer the opportunity to study specific topics in Hispanic culture. The content of each course or section of these 300- or 400-level special topics courses varies and will be announced each semester.

423. Introduction to Spanish Literature (equivalent to Spanish 323).
An overview of the literature  of the Spanish people. Readings from the major periods, from the earliest literature to the present. Authors studied include Cervantes, Calderón, Federico Garcìa Lorca and Carmen Martín Gaite. The works are treated as representative, thematically and aesthetically, of their respective ages and the traditions  of their genre. Also offered through  European Studies.

444. Survey of Latin American Literature (equivalent to Spanish 344).
Indigenous oral traditions and texts from the period prior to the arrival of the Europeans are examined, as are works from the colonial period to the present. Authors studied from the colonial period include Bernal Díaz del Castillo, Bartolomé de las Casas and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Contemporary  authors include  Borges, García Márquez,  Allende and Rigoberta  Menchú.  Also offered through Caribbean and Latin American Studies.

489,  490.  SYE: Independent Study.
Also offered through  Caribbean  and Latin American  Studies.

497,  498.  SYE: Honors Project.
Working  closely with a faculty member,  the student  develops a project related to Spanish-language literature or culture. Projects may include translations from Spanish to English and they may be interdisciplinary. Students are encouraged to use a variety of media in their projects and, if they participate  in a St. Lawrence program in Costa Rica or Spain, to relate their projects to that experience. For additional information, see the description of Honors in the introductory section of the departmental curriculum.


300S.     Masters of the Spanish School: El Greco, Velázquez, Goya and Picasso.
A study of the work of four major Spanish painters, each of whom is considered the greatest painter of his period in Spain: El Greco (Renaissance), Velázquez (Baroque), Goya (Neoclassicism/Romanticism), Picasso (20th century). The course includes a weekly class in one of the museums in Madrid such as the Prado, the Reina Sofia and the Thyssen collection.

301S.     Advanced Practical Spanish.
A unit course emphasizing spoken and written Spanish skills. The course is designed to help students achieve and maintain the linguistic skills needed for the program’s other courses and for personal and professional activities. Required for program participants.

312S.     Migrations and Cultural Diversity in Contemporary Spain.
Students become familiar with migration and cultural diversity in Spanish society from an anthropological and socio-cultural perspective. The course introduces basic notions of socio-cultural anthropology in order to understand contemporary migrations, describe characteristics and problems of Spanish society in the framework of cultural diversity and apply methodological tools of anthropology to present-day Spain. Field work includes visits to public organizations, neighborhoods, public spaces, commercial establishments and cultural institutions.

322S.     International Economics.
The theory of international trade and finance and its application to current policy problems such as protection, intervention in foreign exchange markets, international debt and foreign investment. This course is accepted for major credit. Prerequisite: ECON, 251, 252.

323S.     Introduction to Spanish Literature. (equivalent to SPAN 423 and should only be taken once, either in Spain or on the SLU campus)
See description for SPAN 423.

328S.     Nature and Culture in Spain: Interpreting the Landscapes.
One of the best ways to learn about a country is to travel perceptively through its countryside, villages and cities. Landscapes are a good indicator of natural and cultural diversity. In observing human interaction with the physical environment, students will understand better how nature, communities, and ways of life developed over time. This interdisciplinary course will contextualize the program field trips.

335S.     The Spanish Village.
Through readings, interviews and detailed personal observation, students investigate the economic, political and social structure of rural Spain. Includes residence in a village and seminars in Segovia. Required for fall semester program participants.

358S.     The Madrid Stage.
A study of the contemporary theater in Spain with a focus on the current season through readings, interviews, discussions and weekly theater attendance.

367S.     Political Process in Contemporary Spain.
Focus is on the various political systems (absolute monarchy, republic, dictatorship, constitutional monarchy) that have characterized Spanish politics during the 20th century. The transition from dictatorship to democracy and the salient elements of the current system are emphasized. Arrangements can be made to take this as a history credit.


302S.     Advanced Practical Spanish.
Continuation of SPAN 301S. Required for program participants.

303S.     History of Spanish Art.
An overview of Spanish art from prehistoric cave painting to 20th century masters such as Picasso and Miro. Architectural monuments, sculptures and paintings are studied.

330S.     Politics and Governments of Western Democracies.
A study of the history and present structure of several European democracies and the United States. The class includes a segment on the European Union. This course is accepted for government majors.

338S.     Introduction to Spain. (0.5 unit)
An introduction to Spain for students who join the program in the second semester. During the first two weeks of the month-long program, students live in small cities in La Mancha, where they investigate the economic, political and social structure of the area through readings, interviews and detailed personal observation. The second two weeks are spent in Madrid with daily language classes and sessions on Spanish art, culture and government.

342S.     Spanish Novel of the 20th Century.
An investigation of narrative prose from the Generation of ’98 (Unamuno) to the present (Cela, Martìn Gaite, Llamazares) as representative of the principal aesthetic and historical movements of the century.

344S.     Survey of Latin American Literature. (equivalent to SPAN 444 and should only be taken once, either in Spain or on the SLU campus)
See description above for SPAN 444.

365S.     The Spanish Economy, the EU and the Latin American Challenge.
This course analyzes the possibilities for economic cooperation between the European Union and Spain, and Latin American economies. Study focuses on the challenges associated with and the important structural changes that are taking place in Europe as well as Latin America in the context of the growing integration of both regions in international markets. Prerequisite: ECON 100

383S.     History of an Emancipation: Women in Spain 1750-1995.
A study of women’s issues—particularly labor, education and the right to vote—in Spain from the Spanish Enlightenment through Francoism to Democratic Spain.

ND 480. Internship.

For additional information on the program, see the program webpage: Program brochures are also available at the Center for International and Intercultural Studies.