Spanish major & minor

Requisitos para la concentración de español en St. Lawrence: / Requirements for Estudios Hispánicos (Hispanic Studies) Major at St. Lawrence:  Starting Fall 2024

The Estudios Hispánicos (Hispanic Studies) Major is designed to provide an understanding of the principal aspects of Hispanic culture as well as proficiency in the language at the advanced level according to the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) guidelines.

The major consists of:

  • The major consists of nine courses at the 103 level or above. One of the 9 courses can be a cultural course related to the field taken in English through the World Languages Dept.

Students who begin Spanish at a level higher than 104 are exempt of 1 major unit. Courses at the 300 level are offered only in Spain and Costa Rica; 400-level courses, including Independent Study and Honors Project, are offered only on campus..

It is possible to earn four units toward the major during a semester in Spain (Madrid) or Costa Rica (San José); students who remain a year in Spain may earn seven units toward the major.

Students wishing to major in Spanish are urged to participate in the Costa Rica (San José) or Spain (Madrid) programs.

Spanish Minor:

A Spanish minor consists of six courses at the 101 level or beyond, of which two must be taken on campus.

Students on the programs in Spain or Costa Rica may count three courses (semester program) or five courses (year program) toward the minor.