Jennifer Thomas


PhD & MA--Theatre Arts
University of Oregon

Graduate Certificate--Women's & Gender Studies
University of Oregon

BA--Theatre and English Literature
Concordia College

Jennifer Thomas

Current Professional / Research Interests:

My research interests focus on the intersections of theory and practice and I recently co-authored a book titled Inclusive Script Analysis: Putting Theory into Practice for the 21st Century Theatre Classroom (Routledge 2020). This text works to decentralize dominant paradigms in the process of script analysis. Coupling Stanislavski's process with theory (critical race theory, queer theory, disability studies, class and place) offers the theatre artist new possibilities and potential in understanding characters and the world of the play...not to mention our own identities.

Additionally, I explore theatre intersects with gender and sexuality in historical and contemporary theatre. My dissertation explored the work of English playwright Bryony Lavery and my thesis focused on the career of directing pioneer Joan Littlewood. Future projects include: an anthology documenting the careers and histories of female lighting, costume, scenic and sound designers;  a paper exploring the creative process of casting a collaborative company rather than individual roles in a single production; as well as additional interviews and work with Bryony Lavery's early plays. 

Professional Experience:

I have worked in marketing and publications at Seattle Repertory Theatre (Seattle, WA) and Long Wharf Theatre (New Haven, CT) and in Audience Services at Village Theatre (Issaquah, WA). Professional directing experience includes: Frozen (Theatre B), Chicago (Music Theatre Fargo-Moorhead), Death and the Maiden, Independence, Eye of God, and Twisted (Pucker Up Productions). 

Professional Associations / Memberships:

Association for Theatre in Higher Education
American Society for Theatre Research
Theatre Communications Group

Personal Interests:

Raising three daughters, journeying through life with an awesome partner, reading books, going for hikes in the woods, watching tv, and taking in social media. And naps...blissfully enjoyed and sometimes stolen...naps.

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