Karl McKnight

I enjoy teaching and am qualified to teach ecology, botany, plant systematics, plant ecology, fungal ecology, genetics, mycology, evolution, biostatistics, population biology, phycology, natural history, outdoor studies, winter ecology, and introductory biology (majors or non-majors). All my courses have a laboratory component. My teaching experiences have not been limited to the classroom; many of my courses have had extensive field components.
I am learning to be a naturalist and this is a very broad and satisfying teaching and learning endeavor. I am committed to teaching in a liberal arts environment. More than ever, the world needs students trained with an appropriate balance of general education (including basic communications and analytical skills, also an informed international perspective) and disciplinary strength. The intimate teaching environment of a residential liberal arts college permits me to use my talents as an educator in the best possible way.
McKnight, T.A., McKnight. K. B., and Skeels, M. C. 2010. Amatoxin and phallotoxin concentration in Amanita bisporigera spores. Mycologia: In Press.