Katharine Wolfe

Assistant Professor Philosophy Department
Katharine Wolfe

Katharine has a B.A. from McGill University, an M.A. from Trent University and a Ph.D. from Stony Brook University, and has taught previously at Bard College, Allegheny College, and The University of King's College.

Her recent work focuses on feminist ethics and the ethics of vulnerability, existential and phenomenological philosophy, and issues in bioethics. Recent publications include “Are Second Person Needs Burdened Virtues? Exploring the Risks and Rewards of Caring”. Feminist Philosophical Quarterly. Vol. 3; No. 3, "Together in Need: Relational Selfhood, Vulnerability to Harm, and Enriching Attachments". The Southern Journal of Philosophy. Vol. 54; No. 1. 2016, and “Mutual Dependency and the Ethics of Home Birth” (http://impactethics.ca/2014/05/13/mutual-dependency-and-the-ethics-of-home-birth).



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Office Hours

Drop-In Office Hours: 2:20-3:50 MW, Piskor 111