Lori Clark, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies & Public Health Environmental Studies Department

B.S., Conservation Biology

Brigham Young University

M.S., Marine Environmental Science

Stony Brook University

Ph.D., (ABD) Technology, Policy, and Innovation

Stony Brook University

Lori Clark Image

Lori Clark comes to St. Lawrence University as a visiting faculty member of environmental studies in waste, marine science, and environmental health.  Her research includes marine systems impacted by urbanization, renewable natural gas from landfills, and climate policy related to waste. She is currently collaborating with local researchers on food waste studies. She has taught earth, ocean, and environmental science and research for 15 years in Southern California and New York State at Stony Brook University, Moorpark College, Cal Poly Pomona, Chaffey College, and Mt. San Antonio College.  She is a former researcher for the Hudson River Foundation (NYC) tracking PCB contaminated Striped Bass and co-authoring health of the harbor reports. She was a research instructor for Women in Science and Engineering collaborating with Brookhaven National Lab. She has volunteered as an advocate for Utah wilderness preservation.


Toboada, S., L. Clark, J. Lindberg, D. Tonjes, D. Mahajan. Quantifying the Potential of Renewable Natural Gas to support a Reformed Energy Landscape: Estimates for New York State. Energies. June. 2021, 14, 3834.

Tonjes, D., O. Aphale, L. Clark, K. Thyberg. 2018. Conversion from dual stream to single stream recycling results in nuanced effects on revenues and waste stream amounts and composition. Resources, Conservation, and Recycling 138 (151-159).

Clark, L.B, C.J. Gobler, and S.A. Sañudo-Wilhelmy. 2006.  Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Disolved Trace Metals, Organic Carbon, Mineral Nutrients, and Phytoplankton in a Coastal Lagoon: Great South Bay, New York. Estuaries and Coasts. Vol 29, No. 5A, p. 840-853.  

Steinberg, N., Suszkowski, D., Clark, L., and Way, J. 2004. Health of the Harbor:  The First Comprehensive Look at the State of the NY/NJ Harbor Estuary. A Report to the NY/NJ Harbor Estuary Program. Hudson River Foundation, New York, NY. 82 pp.

Steinberg, N., Clark, L., Way, J. 2003. Tracking Environmental Indicators for the NY/NJ Harbor Estuary:  One Approach to Estuarine Monitoring. Estuarine Research Federation conference 

Suszkowski, D., Steinberg N., Way, J., and Clark, L. 2002. Harbor Health/Human Health: An Analysis of Environmental Indicators for the NY/NJ Harbor Estuary. Hudson River Foundation/EPA. 

Contact Information

Office Hours

M/W 10:30 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.