Yesim Bayar

Associate Professor and Chair Sociology Department
Yesim Bayar

Yeşim Bayar holds a M.Sc. in Development Studies from the London School of Economics and Political Science. Bayar and a Ph.D. in Sociology from McGill University. Her research interests include nationalism, citizenship, immigration, and state-minority relations.



2014    Formation of the Turkish Nation-State, 1920-1938, Palgrave/Macmillan.

Articles and Book Chapters

Laiklik ve Müslüman olmayan azınlıklar” [Laicism and non-Muslim minorities] in Umut Azak (ed.) Din-Siyaset İlişkileri ve Laiklik [The Relationship between Religion and Politics, and Laicism]Istanbul: Türk Tarih Vakfi. (forthcoming)

2024     “Everyday Nationhood, Diversity and Talking about Canada”, Ethnicities, 24, 1, 142-160 (early view online, November 2022).

2023     “Engagements with the Past and Armenians’ Settlement Journeys in Canada”, Canadian Review of Sociology, 60, 3, 463-478.  

2021    “State of Nationalism: Nationalism and Empire”, Studies on National Movements, Vol. 7, 126-135 (reprint of my article published on the State of Nationalism).

2021    “Navigating the Nationalist Landscape of Exclusion: Armenian Citizens of Turkey and the Politics of Naming”, British Journal of Sociology, 72, 4, 1127-1140.

2020    “The League of Nations, Minorities and Post-Imperial Turkey”, Journal of Historical Sociology, 33, 2, 172-183.

2019    “Nationalism and Empire”, State of Nationalism,

2019    “Roadblocks to Civility: Lessons from Turkish Nationalism” in Francesco Duina (ed.) States and Nations, Power and Civility: Hallsian Perspectives, University of Toronto Press.

2017    “Constitutional Debates and Nationalist Visions”, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, 23, 3, 340-360.

2016    “Constitution-Writing, Nationalism and the Turkish Experience”, Nations and Nationalism, 22, 4, 725-743.

2014    “In Pursuit of Homogeneity: The Lausanne Conference, Minorities and the Turkish Nation”, Nationalities Papers, 42, 1, 108-125.

2011    “The Trajectory of Nation-Building through Language Policies: The Case of Turkey during the Early Republic (1920-1938)”, Nations and Nationalism, 17, 1, 108-128. 

2009    “Educational Policies and the Process of Turkish Nation-Building: Where does Religion Fit In?”, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, 29, 3, 360-370.

            Republished in Berna Turam (ed.) Secular State and Religious Society: Two Forces at Play, Palgrave, Macmillan, 2012.

Classes Taught

Principles of Sociology (Soc-101)

Power, Politics and Society (Soc-219)

Minorities and the State (Soc-3119) (cross-listed Govt. 3094)

Self and Society (Soc-255)

Nations and Nationalism (Soc-316)

Senior Year Experience, Independent Study (Soc-490)

Contact Information

Social Media

Office Hours

Thursday 1-3, & by appointment