Professor Dan Look, standing in front of a picnic table outside, holds his hands up to explain a concept while teaching a class to three Saint Lawrence students. Behind Dan, there is a black chalkboard affixed to a brick wall.


About Our Program

Housed within the Department of Mathematics, Computer Science, and Statistics, the math major is deeply rooted in the liberal arts experience. You’ll have the opportunity to use math as a lens to critically evaluate topics like art, physics, finance, logic, and theory, conduct interdisciplinary research, enhance problem-solving skills, and chart a course to unexpected outcomes.

Learning Experiences to Prepare for Your Career

With an emphasis on creative problem solving, enhanced analytical skills, and a global perspective, a math major will allow you to consider activities unique to our majors, study and work in internships across the country and around the world, and embark on a transformative learning experience that sets you up for a lifetime of success.

Paid Summer Research

Gain experience conducting hands-on, intensive research with a faculty mentor in a topic area of your choice through the University Fellowship Program. Research can take place on campus, across the country, and around the world. You’ll make unexpected connections and be equipped to make unprecedented discoveries. 

Senior Year Experience

As a capstone to your education, you will have opportunities to work closely with a faculty member as you conduct original research on a topic of your choice. 

Festival of Science

St. Lawrence comes together each April to learn about and celebrate the research students conduct on campus every day. Share your research during a community day focused on what you and your peers have accomplished.

Peterson Quantitative Resource Center

Encouraging and developing quantitative reasoning, skills, and applications, the PQRC provides walk-in peer tutoring for students across all majors. You can gain help (or help others!) preparing for a quiz or exam, analyzing data, calculating and interpreting statistics, using quantitative software, designing an experiment, or anything else that would support your academic success.


In the past, our math majors have explored career possibilities with startups, financial institutions, non-profit organizations, and government agencies during semester breaks and off-campus study, including: 

  • Goldman Sachs
  • GE Capital
  • Stark Investments
  • People’s United Bank
  • World Wildlife Fund
  • Peace Corps
  • Morgan Stanley
  • LifeSci Advisors
  • Refugee and Immigrant Self-Empowerment (RISE)
  • North Bridge Communications


You can also gain experience while making a difference through service work on campus and in our local community:

  • Alpha Phi Omega
  • Community-Based Learning
  • Boys and Girls Club
  • SLU Buddies
  • SLU Public Interest Corps (SLU PIC)

Global Perspectives 

In addition to seven St. Lawrence-run programs found in places like France, Kenya, London, and Spain, you can choose from more than 30 affiliate programs in over 20 countries to challenge your perspective and expand your worldview. Popular destinations for math majors include France, Jordan, New Zealand, Australia, and the UK.

New York City Semester

Experience hands-on opportunities in the city that never sleeps. You can choose between an academic focus in finance or non-profit and arts management, and complete an internship four days out of the week. You’ll be centered in a dynamic living and learning environment where you can confidently explore your professional aspirations.

Sustainability Program

If you’re interested in math and the environment, you can live and learn in our low-impact, renovated farmhouse, located five miles off-campus, as you grow and prepare your own food and work with community members involved in green building, homesteading, farming, and more.


Short for Quantitative Club, this departmental student organization will give you the chance to share research, internship, and summer program experiences, listen to faculty give talks on related areas of interest, and even connect with alumni who study and work in quantitative fields. Pizza and drinks provided. 

Among the 150+ other clubs and organizations at St. Lawrence, math majors have enjoyed opportunities to participate in activities to round out their collegiate experience, including: 

  • Pi Mu Epsilon (Mathematics Honor Society)
  • Quantitative Club
  • Academic Honor Societies
  • Esports (varsity and club teams)
  • Gaming Club
  • Dance Club
  • Fed Challenge
  • International House
  • Club Soccer
  • Class Council/Student Government

Why St. Lawrence for Mathematics


of math majors completed at least one internship before they graduated

3+2 Engineering Combined Programs

We have partnerships with:

  • Dartmouth College
  • Columbia University
  • Clarkson University
  • Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • University of Rochester

$50,000 to $55,000

Average starting salary of recent St. Lawrence graduates with a math degree


of math majors complete an advanced degree within five years of graduation

In-Demand Careers

Data scientists, statisticians, university professors, information security analysts, and mathematicians are among the top-10 careers to pursue today. (CareerCast, 2019)

More Program Information

Program Requirements & Courses

With 11 required courses covering practical and theoretical math, electives, and a senior year experience, the math major provides you with the flexibility to shape your academic journey around topics of interest to you. Find out more about the courses and requirements for this program.

Complementary and Related Programs

As a math major, you’ll work most closely with faculty members in the math, computer science, and statistics department while having access to the full breadth and depth a liberal arts education at St. Lawrence has to offer. Many of our students pursue other academic interests, including double majors, minors, and programs.

Students working in a lab

Courses for the Curious Mind

Explore the connection between math and art, or enhance your skills in mathematical problem solving. Examine symbolic logic and complex analysis. Be introduced to the concepts of higher mathematics, and identify areas of mathematical theories that ignite your curiosity. You’ll find coursework as diverse as your interests taught by faculty who will encourage and inspire you along the way.

Learn more about our courses
Laurentians at power plant

Combined Engineering Programs

Engineers in today’s world need the strong communication and critical thinking skills students are taught in virtually all of St. Lawrence’s programs. St. Lawrence offers combined programs with engineering programs at Columbia, Dartmouth, Clarkson, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and the University of Rochester.

Learn more about the programs
Students with pies

Beyond the Classroom

Celebrate Pi Day at our annual Piathlon. Eat pizza and listen to short talks at Q Club. Apply to do summer research with a faculty member. We’re proud that our students enjoy their coursework and seek even more opportunities to collaborate with their professors and peers.

Get More Information

We’re excited to learn more about you, tell you more about our interdisciplinary academic programs, show you around our beautiful campus, and help you navigate your college search.

Apply to St. Lawrence

We’re looking for curious students who are eager to make a difference. We take a holistic approach to reviewing applications and consider all aspects of your application and what we learn about you.