Financial Aid for International Students
We know a college education is a significant investment in your future. That’s why we offer resources to help make your academic and career aspirations a reality.
Scholarship and Financial Aid Information
We offer merit and/or need-based financial aid to international students, though these opportunities are very competitive. To apply for financial aid, students must indicate on their Common Application the desire to apply for financial aid and complete the Certificate of Finance form. The Common Application, Certificate of Finance form, and any required documentation must be submitted at the same time. Please note that we do not require the CSS profile or the ISFAA form.
We review each application and awards merit to students based on their academic achievements. For international students, these merit awards are called International Scholarships. The scholarships range from $5,000 to full tuition.
This new scholarship program is designed to identify and recognize talented incoming first-year Canadian students who wish to study in the United States. The scholarship value for the Canadian Scholars Program ranges from $25,000 to $50,000 USD per year, with four-year total values of $100,000 to $200,000 USD.
The Canadian Scholars Program seeks students who have excelled academically and demonstrated leadership in some compelling way in their communities. This leadership may be school-related, service-related, or any other avenue in which the student has invested substantive time. This scholarship program is competitive, and finalists will be invited to campus for a personalized visit and interview.
Eligibility: Priority is given to incoming first-year students who attend Canadian high schools, although Canadian students attending American high schools may be considered on a space-available basis.
How to Apply: Interested students must complete the Common Application, in addition to the Canadian Scholarship Application Essay.
North Country and Canadian high school students whose high schools participate in our Augsbury/North Country Scholarship (ANCS) program are eligible to apply for up to a $140,000 scholarship ($35,000 per year USD) to selected scholars for up to four years or eight semesters.
Learn About Our ANCS Program
St. Lawrence has a long-term relationship with and commitment to Kenya and offers a designated scholarship for students from Kenya.
We are honored that over the last several decades, many Kenyans have chosen to receive their post-secondary education at St. Lawrence. Kenyan alumni have gone on to be leaders in business and politics; including several who have served in the Kenya National Assembly. Numerous St. Lawrence students have also had the opportunity to learn about and from Kenyans during a semester-long study abroad program based in on our campus in Nairobi.
In an effort to maintain this special relationship with Kenya, we offer two full scholarships to qualifying Kenya students on an annual basis. The scholarship covers tuition, fees, room, and board. The scholarship does not cover transportation to/from the U.S., books, or personal expenses. In order to apply for the Kenya Scholarship, please submit the following:
- Common Application and college essay
- High school transcript
- KNEC results (if available)
- SAT scores, SAT subject test, ACT, TOEFL, or IELTS (if available)
- SAT subject tests (candidates must submit results for a minimum of two subjects);
- Three recommendation letters from high school
- Certificate of Finance form which must be completed in full, signed, and dated
Please note that all materials listed above must be submitted directly to the Office of Admissions at St. Lawrence University. The deadline to apply for admission and be considered for the Kenya Scholarship is February 1. Applications received after the February 1 deadline will not be considered for the scholarship.
A small number of student employment opportunities are available to international students. Students granted this opportunity will see it outlined in their financial aid award.
Please submit a Certificate of Finance. Please note that your initial Certificate of Finance does not need bank signatures or documents. You will be informed later in the application process when a final Certificate of Finance may be required.
The deadline for processing the Certificate of Finance for first-year students is February 1. Applications received after that date will be considered as funding allows.

Davis United World College Scholars Program
St. Lawrence is a proud member of the Davis United World College (UWC) Scholars Program. The University joined in 2004 and has since graduated numerous UWC students from around the world. The University has a firm commitment to the Davis Program and is committed to meeting 100 percent of the demonstrated need of any matriculated UWC student. (It’s important to note that St. Lawrence does not grant travel assistance.)
Why St. Lawrence for International Students
International Students
Countries Represented
Student-to-Faculty Ratio
The number of clases taught by teaching assistants
More than 50 percent of our professors have significant international training and expertise
Outcomes Rate
Recent graduates were employed or in graduate school within 7-9 months of graduating.

Simon Award
In 2018, St. Lawrence received the prestigious Simon Award for Comprehensive Internationalization, which distinguishes excellence in integrating international education throughout all facets of the University
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