Following a transformational lead gift from George Karpus ’68, the focus shifts to raising the additional funds that will make this facility a reality for our D-III student-athletes.
The "Here We Go Saints" donor campaign collected donations from over 1,450 Laurentians around the world, raising over $370,000 for St. Lawrence's varsity teams.
Skawatsí:ra teionatohétston ne Roia’tatokénhti Rorén Tsi Ionteweienstahkhwa’kó:wa kaká:rare tsi na’kontí:iere tsi ní:ioht tsi sakón:ronke ne Kanien’kéha aotiwén:na tánon tsi niionkwarihò:ten
Deborah Dudley in partnership with Majorie Kaniehtonkie Barnes Skidders ’79, M’90