Dylan Babcock
I am currently at Penn State University working on my Ph.D. in chemistry. I take three grad school level chemistry classes this semester and will have an additional two next semester. I’m really enjoying it because although the classes are rigorous, they are very research based and geared towards giving us new skills to use in lab. Along with my coursework, I also teach two sections of organic chemistry lab, which is where most first year grad students stipend comes from. It is nice to be gaining a higher education without having to worry about paying for it, as I am able to live pretty comfortably off of my stipend. Around November I will be placed in a lab and depending on the financial situation of my PI, after my first year I could either be getting paid for being a teaching assistant again or be paid directly from my PI. I have already have a good idea of which lab I will be joining, but it will not be final until November around Thanksgiving.
I never really envisioned myself going down this path and being on my way to a higher education. The LAS scholarship program really gave me a platform to thrive and grow into the scientist I am becoming today. As a first generation college student, you’re never really given any guidance, especially in abstract fields such as STEM. I was fortunate enough to be placed in this program which not only helped me pay for school, but gave me a group of like minded people right from the beginning to help myself grow throughout my time at St. Lawrence. I couldn’t thank those involved in this program enough for all the hard work they put into giving my all the tools and resources to get to where I am today.