Summer 2021 Sophomore Seminars Unveiled
The Sophomore Success Initiative announces the following sophomore seminars for Summer 2021 semester. The classes are designed specifically for 2nd-year students and only open to sophomores.
Summer 2021:
ECON 3033
Money Management Matters: Financial Literacy in a Dynamic World
Sahar Milani; 1-unit
Prerequisite: Econ 100
T/TH 10:35AM-12:50PM 10WK Hybrid
This course introduces critical personal financial management topics with the goal of helping students develop successful financial skills. Specific topics include budgeting and planning, interest rates, taxes, financial institutions, loans, credit, insurance, and investing. Students will reflect on their own financial objectives through activity-based assignments.
REL 3036
Examining Extremism
Damon Berry; 1-unit
In this seminar, we will discuss key case studies of “extremism” to help students critically assess how something gets to be described as “extremism” or not, and the consequences of such a designation or lack thereof for individuals who occupy marginalized spaces in society.