
Active Filters

  • Religious Studies
  1. Teaching the "Nones" - blog by Dr. Kathleen Self

    Teaching the "Nones" / The Craft of Teaching in the Academic Study of Religion

  2. Shuwei Jolly Zhang, Howard Eissenstat, Amir Tayebi, Choong-Soo Lee, Cynthia Bansak, Peter Pettengill, Sun Ki Choi, Melissa Schulenberg, Emre Balicki, and Ivan Ramler.

    Faculty Focus- Dec. 13, 2021

    Faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Recently, faculty published journal articles with students and alumni, presented scholarly papers at conferences, showcased artwork with alumni, and shared their career journeys with doctoral students. 

  3. A large group of Saint Lawrence University alumni, wearing professional attire, stand in a group holding a scarlet and brown Saint Lawrence University flag.

    Alumni in Action - December 2021

    St. Lawrence graduates have a thirst for knowledge, are innovative problem-solvers, and make their communities, companies, and the world better places. This periodic roundup features Laurentians at the focus of news stories shared by and within their communities.

  4. Christianity and the Alt-Right, Exploring the Relationship. Damon T Berry.

    Professor Publishes Book on Religion and Politics

    Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Damon Berry has published a new book, “Christianity and the Alt-Right: Exploring the Relationship.” The book’s publisher, Routledge, describes it as “a must-read for those interested in religion in America, religion and politics, evangelicalism, and religion and race.”

  5. 20 Years After 9/11: Faculty, Staff, Alumni to Host Event Series

    The year 2021 marks 20 years since September 11, 2001, a profoundly transformative moment. Join St. Lawrence University faculty, staff, and alumni guests for a full week of activities (Sept. 3-11) as our community reflects on the many ways both our national and global communities have been impacted.

  6. brendan-presfox

    Brendan Reilly receives award

    Brendan Reilly of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, received the Trustee Academic Achievement Award, which recognizes the graduate with the highest cumulative grade-point average (GPA). Reilly’s final GPA was...

  7. Faculty Focus - March 8, 2021

    Faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Recently, faculty presented at virtual workshops, collaborated with other experts in their field, and led a lecture series.

  8. In Memory of Professor Emeritus George Frear

    View his obituary Dear Laurentian Friends, We have learned of the December 23, 2020 death of Professor Emeritus of Religious Studies George Frear, Jr., at the age of 88. George graduated magna cum...

  9. Religious Studies Prof’s Research Paper Earns Top Prize

    Assistant Professor of Religious Studies Damon Berry won first prize in Nova Religio’s 17th annual Thomas Robbins Award for Excellence in the Study of New Religious Movements for his article, “Voting in the Kingdom: Prophecy Voters, the New Apostolic Reformation, and Christian Support for Trump.”

  10. Grace Harkins with a wide smile stands among a garden of daffodils.

    Student Advocates for Racial Justice in the Classroom in Op-Ed for “Education Post”

    Grace Harkins ‘21 recently wrote an op-ed published in Education Post about the urgent need to normalize difficult conversations about race and incorporate anti-racist curricula into K-12 classrooms...