
Active Filters

  • Environmental Studies
  1. A large group of Saint Lawrence University alumni, wearing professional attire, stand in a group holding a scarlet and brown Saint Lawrence University flag.

    Alumni in Action - December 2021

    St. Lawrence graduates have a thirst for knowledge, are innovative problem-solvers, and make their communities, companies, and the world better places. This periodic roundup features Laurentians at the focus of news stories shared by and within their communities.

  2. A student, wearing a mask and disposable gloves, prepares a healthy meal with fresh veggies.

    St. Lawrence Earns Recognition for Environmental Initiatives, Sustainability Practices

    Two top-tier industry publications recently recognized St. Lawrence University’s efforts to make sustainability an integral practice in all aspects of campus life—from the residence halls to academic programs, transportation, and dining options.

  3. Shelley McConnell, Jon Rosales, Hallie Heggeness, Tyler Kearns, Alexandra Hill, and Trent Meyer, Elise Pierson, Howard Eissenstat, Alison Del Rossi, and Alessandro Giardino.

    St. Lawrence in the News - Nov. 15, 2021

    This regular roundup features a selection of recent mentions of St. Lawrence University and its students, faculty, and staff in regional, national, and international media outlets.

  4. Jeff Frank, Karin Heckman, David Murphy, Grace Smith, Ronnie Olesker, and several Saint Lawrence University students in a photo collage.

    St. Lawrence in the News - Nov. 1, 2021

    This regular roundup features a selection of recent mentions of St. Lawrence University and its students, faculty, and staff in regional, national, and international media outlets.

  5. Associate Professor David Murphy teaches an outdoor class underneath a large row of green trees.

    Environmental Studies Professor Co-Launches Planetary Limits Academic Network

    ​​​​​​​St. Lawrence University Associate Professor of Environmental Studies David Murphy is among five scholars to establish a network of scholars and researchers to promote the understanding of planetary limits, envision scenarios for humanity to thrive within planetary limits, better educate college students about these challenges and advise government officials and communities in developing effective responses.

  6. Howard Eissenstat, Chandreyi Basu, David Murphy, Jeff Frank, Cyntha Bansak, and Alexander Stewart.

    Faculty Focus - Oct. 25, 2021

    Faculty members put their knowledge into action so students and others are able to benefit from it. Recently, faculty published scholarly articles and book chapters, completed National Science Foundation-funded projects, presented at conferences, and provided insight into global affairs.

  7. A student wearing jeans, a t-shirt, and goggles, shovels cement from a wheelbarrow. There's a large field in the background.

    First Person: Building an Energy-Efficient Greenhouse on Campus

    Rosie Gotsch '22

    Pro tip: if you ever sign up for an Environmental Studies course titled “Practicum,” don’t wear you cool new “first-day-of-school” shoes to the very first session. I learned that lesson this semester when I registered for a class that revolves around helping to build an energy-efficient greenhouse at St. Lawrence’s Living Lab.

  8. Two students stand in a field of wildflowers holding bug nets.

    Collaboration, Curiosity, Discovery: Research at St. Lawrence

    Imagine spending eight full weeks on campus digging into a topic you’re passionate about and getting paid to do it. This is the job of St. Lawrence’s University Fellows: days spent in the lab, library, or the field, collaborating with faculty mentors and asking questions that prompt new discoveries. 

  9. President Kate Morris addresses a seated crowd at Convocation.

    St. Lawrence Faculty Earn Tenure, Receive Promotions

    St. Lawrence University announced the promotion of several faculty members at the start of the 2021-22 academic year. The promotions were celebrated during the University’s annual Convocation, which was held Wednesday, August 25. All promotions are effective September 1, 2021.