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  1. Members of the Saint Lawrence University volleyball team, wearing red jerseys, gather on the court in a circle.

    First Person: A Unique Campus Tour for a Tour Guide


    When most of us picture the path of a concussion, it involves some kind of head trauma, a diagnosis, days spent in darkness, social isolation, and eventually getting accustomed back into daily...

  2. Two Saint Lawrence students stand on the beach holding sea turtles while studying abroad.

    First Person: Community Beyond Campus - Studying Abroad in Kenya


    When writing about studying abroad, it's easy to fall back into the classic response you share with people who inquire about it: "Oh yeah, it was awesome!" But, given time to dig into it, there are...

  3. A group of Saint Lawrence students, participating in the Green Cafe class, gather at the Farm at Kirk Douglas for a meeting.

    First Person: The Farm at Kirk Douglas, A Student-Run Farm-to-Table Experience


    I ladle a spoonful of chili into the fifth of 72 bowls to be served this evening. The Farm at Kirk Douglas is once again sold out, or close to it. All around me, students are executing their various...

  4. Tess Maxam.

    First Person: Finding an Academic Interest Through the Liberal Arts

    TESS MAXAM '22

    There is something so special about a liberal arts education that is hard to explain until you’ve experienced it. I came to SLU knowing that I wanted to be a biology major and study science in some...

  5. "Under a Wave off Kanagawa" by Hiroshige.

    First Person: Mokuhanga, My Printmaking Journey


    A fishing boat, small enough to miss, is suspended in the frothy jaws of a monstrous wave, moments away from the water’s crash. Mt. Fuji watches silently from the background, subtle and stable in the...

  6. Christian Eveleigh.

    First Person: Cranial Exposure, A Bald Man Survives Canton Winters


    At age 17, I looked down for a split second during a family photograph, and the top of my head was captured, for the first time revealing to me a faint ring that would eventually lead to my presently...

  7. A glorious sun set over the empty bleachers overlooking athletic fields on the Saint Lawrence campus.

    First Person: The Best Decision I Made for My St. Lawrence Career

    Abigail Todd '21

    My St. Lawrence story begins during my first year when I was on the track team. I had been running and jumping my whole life, and running track in the next chapter of my life at St. Lawrence seemed...

  8. Meca-Gaye Francis

    First Person: A Year of Firsts and Lasts


    When I thought about what my senior year would look like, I had many high expectations. I wanted to have made new friends, tried new activities, traveled to different countries, and feel prepared to...

  9. Abbie Cooper, holding a Saint Lawrence University pennant, stands in the snow in Canton, N.Y.

    First Person: A Californian's Guide to North Country Winters

    Abbie Cooper '22

    What was it like seeing snow for the first time at St. Lawrence? AMAZING! I toured St. Lawrence in April of my senior year, and it was a gray wintry April day. But, during the tour, it started to snow...

  10. A group of Saint Lawrence club ski students sit on a snow covered bench at a ski mountain.

    First Person: Hitting the Slopes, Club Sports as a Former Varsity Athlete

    SAM COWLES '22

    For as long as I can remember, my weekends (and as I got older, my weeks) were filled with ski practice. My life was dryland training sessions, days spent on ski mountains, and hours tuning my skis at...